This version of the agenda is meant to be an easier way to skim the items before diving into the full draft and back up items. It also is meant as an archive for search. Often I remember something being on the agenda but not sure when. While the ongoing work with Onbase continues, and there is some search functionality here I can cross reference with agenda previews, then look at the original agenda.
1. Presentation of Commendation to the Police Officer of the Month.
2. Presentation of Commendation to the Firefighter of the Quarter.
3. Resolution approving the reappointment by the Mayor of Trevor J. Rosine to the Human Rights Board of the City of Tampa, in the “Other” position, for a three-year term commencing nunc pro tunc February 18, 2024, and ending February 17, 2027; providing an effective date.
4. Resolution approving a purchase under the Bradford County Sheriff’s Office Contract BCSO 22-27-1.0 Of Thirty (30) Ford Police Interceptors from Duval Ford, LLC, at a unit cost of $47,531.89, for a total amount of $1,425,956.70 for use by the Tampa Police Department; authorizing the Director of Purchasing to purchase said property, supplies, materials or services; providing an effective date.
5. (Part 1 of 2)(See Item 6) Resolution approving the acceptance of Amendment # 01 to the subgrant agreement in an amount up to $753,000 from the State of Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), Highway Traffic Safety Funds, for the Tampa Police Department Tampa Impaired Driving Enforcement Project, “Last Call”‘ authorizing execution thereof by the Mayo of the City of Tampa and attestation by the City Clerk; providing an effective date.
6. (Part 2 of 2)(See Item 5) Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2025; Approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $11,000 within the Police Grants Fund for use by the Tampa Police Department for amendment #01 to the subgrant agreement for the 2025 FDOT Tampa Enhance Impaired Driving Enforcement – Last Call Grant; providing an effective date.
7. (Part 1 of 2)(See Item 8) Resolution approving the acceptance of grant funds for payment of overtime towards Tampa violence reduction and prevention effective between 10/01/2023 to 09/30/2027 in the amount of $157,634 from the United States Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance, from the FY 2024 Edward Bryne memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program – Local Solicitation; providing an effective date.
8. (Part 2 of 2)(See Item 7) Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2025; Approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $157,634 within the Police Grants Fund for use by the Tampa Police Department for the FY24 Justice Assistance Grants Program – Local Solicitation from the United States Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance providing an effective date. Part 2 of 2.
9. Resolution of the City of Tampa, Florida accepting a product donation from Firemen’s Benevolent Association, Inc. of Tampa for Thirty-Five (35) RTIC 52-quart Ultra-Light Hard Coolers valued in the amount of Six Thousand Eighteen 60/00 Dollars ($6,018.60) for use by Tampa Fire Rescue at the discretion of the Fire Chief.
10. Resolution of the City of Tampa, Florida accepting a Donation of Equipment from the Wiltse Family Foundation, Inc., In an amount valued at Seven Thousand Two Hundred and Two 50/00 Dollars ($7,202.50) for a Thermographic Camera for use by Tampa Fire Rescue; Authorizing the Mayor of the City Of Tampa to execute the acceptance of said Donation.
11. (Part 1 of 2)(See Item 12) Resolution approving a release of warranty agreement between the City of Tampa, Pierce Manufacturing, Inc., and Oshkosh Corporation to pay the City in the amount of two hundred and fifty-five thousand dollars ($255,000) in exchange for releasing Pierce Manufacturing and Oshkosh Corporation from all warranties to the City for ambulances purchased on behalf of Tampa Fire Rescue; authorizing the execution thereof by the Mayor of the City of Tampa; providing an effective date.
12. (Part 2 of 2)(See Item 11) Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2025; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $255,000 within the General Fund and Fleet Maintenance-Capital Fund for use by Tampa Fire Rescue for purchase of new vehicles; providing an effective date.
13. Resolution approving a Social Action & Arts fund agreement for persons with intellectual disabilities internship administrator services between the City of Tampa and The Grow Group Inc. to provide internship opportunities with city departments for person with disabilities in the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000); authorizing the execution thereof by the Mayor of the City of Tampa; providing an Effective Date.
14. Resolution Approving an Agreement between the City of Tampa, Florida and Community Stepping Stones, Inc., a Florida Not for Profit Corporation to Provide Funding in the Amount of Seventy Five Thousand Dollars ($75,000) to Support After-School Programs Operating at the Sulphur Springs Location; Authorizing the Execution Thereof by the Mayor of the City of Tampa; Providing an Effective Date.
15. Resolution approving a Social Action & Arts fund agreement for persons with intellectual disabilities internship administrator services between the City of Tampa and Achieving Synergy for Empowerment, Inc. to provide internship opportunities with city departments for persons with disabilities in the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000); authorizing the execution thereof by the Mayor of the City of Tampa; providing an Effective Date.
16. Resolution approving an agreement between the City of Tampa and New Tampa Players, Inc. A Florida Not-For-Profit Corporation in the amount of seventy-five thousand dollars (75,000) to provide opportunities for people of all abilities to create theatre; authorizing execution by the Mayor and attestation by the City Clerk; providing an effective date.
17. CH 28 Special Event Permit: Cuban Sandwich Festival- 18th St, 19th St. & 9th Ave. in Ybor- March 30, 2025
18. Resolution authorizing an Amendment to the Agreement between the City of Tampa and J. Kokolakis Contracting, Inc. regarding Contract 21-C-00045 Solid Waste Relocation in the amount of $400,080; authorizing the Mayor to execute said Amendment on behalf of the City of Tampa; providing for funding thereof; and providing an effective date.
19. Resolution approving a Piggyback Agreement for Water Service Line Inventory and Management Systems between the City of Tampa and Trinnex Inc. under Sourcewell Contract #012524-TRX for the furnishing of Water Service Line Inventory and Management Systems for an estimated amount of $910,441, over a 40-month term for use by the Water Department; authorizing the Mayor to execute said Piggyback Agreement; providing an effective date.
20. Resolution approving additional expenditures within an existing award between the City of Tampa and DXP Enterprises, Inc. dba Carter & Verplanck/A DXP Company for the purchase of Worthington and Ingersoll-Dresser Flowserve Pumps in the estimated amount of $200,000 for a cumulative total of $294,999.99 for use by the Wastewater Department; providing an effective date.
21. Resolution approving the renewal of an award between the City of Tampa and Matrix Power Services, Inc. for the furnishing of McKay Bay Waste to Energy (WTE) Facility Balance of Plant Equipment Service in the estimated amount of $766,092 for use by the Department of Solid Waste & Environmental Program Management; providing an effective date.
22. INF25-10954 Resolution approving the renewal of an award between the City of Tampa and SAT Industrial Supplies & Solutions LLC, with a 2.9% Consumer Price Index (CPI) Price Increase, for the purchase of Polyethylene Water Boxes and Covers No. 37 (Sheltered Market Solicitation) in the estimated amount of $285,859 for use by the Water Department; authorizing the Director of Purchasing to purchase said property, supplies, materials or services; providing an effective date.
23. Resolution approving an Industry Care Select Service Agreement and an Agreement for McKay Bay Waste to Energy Facility Cyber Security Workplace 2.0 and Network Monitoring between the City of Tampa and ABB, Inc. for the provision of the ABB Plant Control System Maintenance and Support and Installation and Support of an ABB Cyber Security Workplace Software to Monitor Security Controls on the Plant Control System in the estimated amount of $661,825 over a three-year term for use by the Department of Solid Waste and Environmental Program Management; authorizing the Mayor to execute said first amendment to agreement; providing an effective date.
24. Resolution amending Resolution 2024-762, passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Tampa on August 22, 2024, by correcting a scrivener’s error; providing an effective date.
25. Resolution approving the renewal of an award between the City of Tampa and C.A.P. Government, Inc. as primary awardee, without a price escalation, in the estimated amount of $325,000 and between the City of Tampa and Joe Payne, Inc. as secondary awardee, with a 2.9% Consumer Price Index (CPI) Price Increase, in the estimated amount of $385,000 for the Provision of Professional Building Inspection Services in the estimated total amount of $710,000 for use by the Development & Growth Management Department/Construction Services Division; authorizing the Director of Purchasing to purchase said property, supplies, materials, or services; providing an effective date.
26. Resolution approving an amendment to the Downtown Area Special Services District Special Assessment Services Agreement between the City of Tampa and the Tampa Downtown Partnership, Inc., to provide for an amendment to the Budget of the reallocation of funds within the approved Special Services District (SSD) budget provided with its 2024-25 renewal; authorizing the execution thereof by the Mayor of the City Of Tampa; providing an effective date.
27. (Part 1 of 2)(See Item 28) Resolution of the City of Tampa, Florida approving and adopting a revised roll for the non ad valorem assessment for Downtown Historic/Ybor Tampa Tourism Marketing District (“District”); approving the revised non ad valorem assessment roll for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2024; providing for severability; providing an effective date.
28. (Part 2 of 2)(See Item 27) Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2025; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $76,786 within the Downtown/Ybor Tourism Marketing District Fund to provide tourism marketing services within the district; providing an effective date.
29. Christine Glover, Director of Internal Audit, transmitting Mobility – Bridges and Pump Station Maintenance and Operations, dated December 17, 2024
30. Christine Glover, Director of Internal Audit, transmitting audit report Revenue and Finance – Accounts Payable, dated December 17, 2024
31. Christine Glover, Director of Internal Audit, transmitting audit report Parks and Recreation – Recreation Services, dated December 17, 2024
32. City_County Returning Citizens Apprenticeship Program Pilot – Annual Report
33. **File No. DEO25-10703** Resolution authorizing execution by the Mayor and attestation by the City Clerk of a Fourth Amendment to Housing Opportunities for Persons with Aids Grant Agreement between the City of Tampa and the Housing Authority of the City of Tampa; making available up to $125,972.82 of additional funding during the 2025 fiscal year for the provision of services in support of persons with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) or related diseases together with their families, for a total of $1,081,583.82 during FY2025, and $2,690,811.98 over the 3-year agreement term; providing an effective date.
34. **File No. DEO25-10784** Resolution approving the execution by the Mayor and attestation by the City Clerk of a License and Hold Harmless Agreement between City of Tampa, as Licensor, and Jerel McCants Architecture, Inc. a Florida corporation, as Licensee, to utilize a portion of City property known as Tampa Union Station located at 601 N. Nebraska Avenue, Tampa, Florida for a one-day book signing event; providing an effective date.
35. **File No. DEO25-10949** Resolution of the City of Tampa, Florida, approving an Information Services Agreement and License Order between Claritas, LLC and City of Tampa between the City of Tampa and Claritas, LLC, for the single source purchase of the SPOTLIGHT Platform License in the amount of $3,600 for use by the Development and Economic Opportunity Department, Economic Opportunity Division; authorizing the Mayor to execute said agreement and order form; providing an effective date.
36. **File No. DEO25-11150** Resolution approving an Agreement between the City of Tampa and the Corporation to Develop Communities of Tampa, Inc.; providing funding in an amount not to exceed $85,248.00 to fund development, academic achievement, and employability services to participants ages 13 through 21 living in low to moderate-income communities; authorizing execution by the Mayor and attestation by the City Clerk; providing an effective date.
37. **File No. DEO24-11152** Resolution approving an Infrastructure Improvements Agreement between City of Tampa, KS Ybor Master Developer, LLC and Gas Worx Community Development District regarding property in the area generally bounded by E. Scott Street to the west, Lily White Court to the north, N. 15th Street to the east and Adamo/N. 12th Street to the south, commonly known as Gas Worx, in the City of Tampa, Florida; authorizing the execution thereof by the Mayor of the City of Tampa; providing an effective date.
38. (Part 1 of 2)(See Item 39) Resolution approving an Innovative and Asset Concession Grant Program cooperative agreement between the City of Tampa and the U.S. Department of Transportation for Multimodal Infrastructure Financing Opportunities project; authorizing execution by the Mayor and attestation by the City Clerk; providing an effective date.
39. (Part 2 of 2)(See Item 38) Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2025; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $1,000,000 within the Transportation Grants Capital Projects Fund for use by the Multi Modal Infrastructure Financing Opportunities project; providing an effective date.
40. Resolution approving the bid of Sun Civil LLC for the Installation, Maintenance, Repair and Remodel of Traffic Control Systems for the Mobility Department in the estimated amount of $2,500,000 for use by the Mobility Department; authorizing the Director of Purchasing to purchase said property, supplies, materials or services; providing an effective date.
Note: Items 41-43 are only to set the hearing date. No discussion of the application will occur.
41. **File No. DE1-25-01-C** Petition for Review filed by Dr. Monica Lake, owner, requesting a review hearing regarding a decision of the Zoning Administrator, DE1-25-01, pertaining to the property located at 1802 N. Armenia Avenue. (Review hearing to be scheduled on March 6, 2025 at 1:30 p.m.)
42. **File No. SU1-24-85-C** Petition for Review filed by Ron Fair, owner, requesting a review hearing regarding a decision of the Zoning Administrator, SU1-24-0000085, pertaining to the property located at 3127 W Oaklyn Avenue. (Review hearing to be scheduled on March 6, 2025 at 1:30 p.m.)
43. **File No. VRB-24-66-C** Petition for Review filed by Thomas Hanks, owner, requesting a review hearing regarding a decision of the Zoning Administrator, VRB-24-66, pertaining to the property located at 8406 N Edison Avenue. (Review hearing to be scheduled on March 27, 2025 at 1:30 p.m.)
Items 44-51 are second reading and adoption items. Map includes each item on the agenda with a link to their respective Accela files.
44. **File No. VAC-23-30** (Carlson, Miranda, & Maniscalco no) – An ordinance of the City of Tampa, Florida, vacating, closing, discontinuing and abandoning that alleyway/right-of-way located North of Amelia Avenue, South of Columbus Drive, East of Glenwood Drive, and West of North Boulevard, within the Plat of Ridgewood Park Subdivision
45. **File No. REZ-25-12** (Carlson & Maniscalco no) – An ordinance rezoning property in the general vicinity of 702 West Columbus Drive, 2502 and 2504 North Boulevard and folio number 183355-0005, in the City of Tampa, Florida, and more particularly described in section 1, from zoning district classification(s) RS-60 (residential, single-family), CG (commercial general) and PD (planned development) to PD (planned development, storefront residential, all commercial neighborhood uses).
46. **File No. REZ-24-09** (UNAN) – An ordinance rezoning property in the general vicinity of 4913 North MacDill Avenue, in the City of Tampa, Florida, and more particularly described in section 1, from zoning district classification(s) RM-24 (residential, multi-family) to PD (planned development, residential, single-family, attached).
47. **File No. REZ-24-77** (UNAN) – An ordinance rezoning property in the general vicinity of 4720 North Clark Avenue, in the City of Tampa, Florida, and more particularly described in section 1, from zoning district classification(s) IG (industrial general) to PD (planned development, all industrial general uses).
48. **File No. REZ-24-94** (UNAN) – An ordinance rezoning property in the general vicinity of 4107 and 4115 West Spruce Street, in the City of Tampa, Florida, and more particularly described in Section 1, from zoning district classification(s) PD (planned development) to PD (planned development, residential, multi-family).
49. **File No. REZ-24-107** (UNAN) – An ordinance rezoning property in the general vicinity of 203 South Moody Avenue, in the City of Tampa, Florida, and more particularly described in section 1, from zoning district classification(s) RO-1 (residential office) to PD (planned development, residential, single-family, detached and semi-detached).
50. **File No. REZ-25-11** (UNAN) – An ordinance rezoning property in the general vicinity of 2705 and 2708 North 18th Street, in the City of Tampa, Florida, and more particularly described in section 1, from zoning district classification(s) RS-50 (residential, single-family) to PD (planned development, storefront residential, all commercial neighborhood uses).
51. **File No. REZ-24-52** (Carlson & Viera no) – Resolution approving a Bonus Provision Agreement between Pawan K. Rattan, Rattan Pawan K. Trustee, Framework Group, LLC and the City of Tampa, in relation to REZ-24-52 for the property located at 2315 N. Florida Avenue, 2307 N. Florida Avenue, 2303 N. Florida Avenue, 2301 N. Florida Avenue, 205 E. Columbus Drive, 204 E. Amelia Avenue, 206 E. Amelia Avenue, 207 E. Columbus Drive, and 209 E. Columbus Drive, and an unaddressed parcel along E. Amelia Avenue between N. Florida Avenue and N. Morgan Street, bearing folio number 191373-0000; authorizing the execution thereof by the mayor of the City of Tampa; providing an effective date. (Said resolution to be adopted after second reading and adoption of the ordinance)
52. CH 2 – Ordinance for first reading “to exempt from City Council approval all purchases requiring an expenditure of less than Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00)”
53. CH 2 – Ordinance for first reading “requiring that work orders may not be issued to a single provider of professional services exceeding $200,000 in the aggregate per fiscal year without City Council approval and increasing the threshold amount for City Council approval of work orders from $100,000 to $200,000.”
54. Administration Update
55. (Placed under Staff Reports and Unfinished Business pursuant to a motion made by Council.) Resolution approving the bid of Rogers Petroleum, Inc., based on current Port of Tampa, Florida average terminal rack prices published daily in Oil Price Information Services (“OPIS”), United Publications, for the furnishing of Fuel: Gasoline and Diesel (Bid Discount) (Re-Bid) in the estimated amount of $12,254,795.10 over a two-year term for use by the Logistics & Asset Management Department/Fleet Maintenance Division; authorizing the Director of Purchasing to purchase said property, supplies, materials or services; providing an effective date. Memorandum from Ronald Carrion, Interim Fleet Manager, transmitting additional information for said agenda item.
56. (formerly known as CM21-71218) Staff to provide an annual report on the number of returning citizens being hired. (Next annual report to be tentatively held on January 8, 2026) Memorandum from Brenda McKenzie, Director of Workforce Partnerships & Special Projects, transmitting a written report for said agenda item.
57. Staff to provide an update regarding the Summer Youth Employment Program in East Tampa. Memorandum from Ocea J. Wynn, E.I., MPA, CPM, Administrator of Neighborhood & Community Affairs, transmitting a written report for said agenda item.
58. Mobility Department to provide a 5-minute quarterly update as to what roads are being repaired, what roads are planned to be repaired, and an update on the status of the road repair budget. (Next quarterly update will be held on April 3, 2025) Memorandum from Vik Bhide, Director of Mobility Department, notifying City Council that staff will be presenting a verbal report.
59. Abbye Feeley, Administrator for Development and Economic Opportunity, to appear and report on the Land Development Code Reform Process. (Next monthly report to be provided on February 20, 2025) Memorandum from Abbye Feeley, Administrator for Development and Economic Opportunity, notifying City Council that staff will be present to provide a verbal report.
60. Staff to report on the West Riverwalk Project and what efforts have been made to secure additional funding through grants and the success of those efforts if any; further, to report on what the Administration will be willing to put towards the project and what that would entail. Memorandum from Vik Bhide, Director of Mobility Department, notifying City Council that staff will be presenting a verbal report.
61. Staff to present a report on what FEMA monies the City could utilize to help support those that were impacted by flooding.
62. Staff to provide a report on making city affordable housing funds to assist those impacted by flooding in the wake of Hurricane Milton, particularly in the North Tampa area. Memorandum from Abbye Feeley, Administrator of Development and Economic Opportunity, transmitting a written response for said agenda item.
63. Staff to provide in-person report on the possibility of waiving inspection or re-inspection fees for those with flood damage. Memorandum from Abbye Feeley, Deputy Administrator of Development and Economic Opportunity, transmitting a written response for said agenda item.
64. City Staff to create a resolution to adjust the sidewalk in lieu fee to reflect the actual cost of building sidewalks. (Motion to reschedule initiated by Hurtak-Clendenin on August 8, 2024)(Motion to reschedule initiated by Hurtak-Miranda on December 19, 2024)
65. Real Estate and the Housing Department be requested to provide a written report regarding certain properties that have been identified in order to determine whether they are eligible and appropriate for foreclosure and considered for redevelopment as affordable housing. Memorandum from Michelle Van Loan, Real Estate Director, transmitting a written report for said agenda item.
66. Staff to provide a recurring quarterly written report about planned, started and completed sidewalk construction during that quarter, and the total cost of those projects. (Next Quarterly Written Report scheduled for April 3, 2025) Memorandum from Vik Bhide, Director of Mobility Department, transmitting a written report for said agenda item.
67. Staff to provide a written report regarding the sidewalk update report, specifically including the number of sidewalks and linear feet build with sidewalk in lieu fee funds, for City Council that can be used to inform Council decisions moving forward with the adjustment of the sidewalk in lieu fee. (Motion to reschedule from August 22, 2024 initiated by Hurtak-Henderson on August 8, 2024) Memorandum from Vik Bhide, Director of Mobility Department, transmitting a written report for said agenda item.
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