Agendas 3-13-25

This version of the agenda is meant to be an easier way to skim the items before diving into the full draft and back up items. It also is meant as an archive for search. Often I remember something being on the agenda but not sure when. While the ongoing work with Onbase continues, and there is some search functionality here I can cross reference with agenda previews, then look at the original agenda.

1. Staff to assist with discussion about the possibility of creating a City fund to assist property owners with an analysis to determine if a property contains lost graves and to buy the property and/or an easement to protect the graves. Memorandum from Ocea Wynn, Administrator of Neighborhood and Community Affairs, notifying City Council that staff will provide an in-person report.

2. Bi-Annual Capital Improvement Project Report and Presentation. Memorandum from Jean Duncan, Administrator of Infrastructure and Mobility, transmitting the Great 8 Capital Improvement Presentation and the Great 8 Capital Projects Report for said agenda item.

3. Dennis Roger, Chief Financial Officer, to present answers from the questions that were presented by Councilmembers to Dennis Rogero, Chief Financial Officer, and Hagar Kopesky, Council Budget Analyst, pertaining to the general fund major revenue. Memorandum from Michael Perry, Budget Officer, transmitting a written report for said agenda item.

4. Chief Financial Officer be requested to provide an annual presentation on bonding capacity. (Next annual report scheduled for February 27, 2025) Memorandum from Dennis Rogero, Chief Financial Officer, notifying City Council that staff will provide an in-person report.

5. Staff to present a draft ordinance that would require a fair market appraisal be completed of any property proposed to be sold or transferred, and to include that the appraisal be presented to City Council prior to a vote to sell or transfer property.

6. Land Development staff to report on modifying Section 27-283.6 to require that terms of any parking leases shall be no less than 5 years in duration and contain no early termination clause. In addition, the obligation must be assigned to any successor. Such agreement shall be annexed to the approved site plan and a listing of all approved leases shall be maintained. Failure to comply with this section shall be a violation of this chapter.

7. Council to discuss Council salary for the future election cycle beginning May 1, 2027 and what said salary should be tied to; further, that Councilmembers present their ideas during said discussion.

Evening Land Use Agenda

If you’ve missed it, I have a map for city of Tampa current zoning and Future Land Use designations.

1. **File No. REZ-24-113** Public Hearing on application of Michael Sanders, Oxbow Engineering, LLC, request to rezone property generally located at 9220, 9222, and 9224 N. Hyaleah Road and Folio 141810.0100 from RS-60, RM-24 and RM-35 to PD (Residential, Single-Family, Semi-Detached and Attached).

2. **File No. REZ-25-09** Public Hearing on application of Giselle Mota request to rezone property generally located at 2520 W. Beach Street from RM-16 to RM-18.

3. **File No. REZ-23-99** Continued Public Hearing from August 8, 2024 and November 14, 2024 on application of Ricky De Camps request to rezone property generally located at 319 Bayshore Blvd. from PD to PD (Storefront Residential/Commercial Uses). (6)c to November 14, 2024) An ordinance rezoning property in the general vicinity of 319 Bayshore Boulevard, in the City of Tampa, Florida, and more particularly described in Section 1, from zoning district classification(s) PD (planned development) to PD (planned development, storefront residential, all commercial neighborhood uses); providing an effective date.

4. **File No. REZ-25-26** Public Hearing on application of Kami Corbett, Hill Ward Henderson, request to rezone property generally located at 1537 W. Nassau Street from RS-50 to RO. Email from Rebecca Harb, applicant’s representative, requesting that said public hearing be continued to July 24, 2025.

5. **File No. REZ-25-06** (Will not be heard; Mis-noticed) Public Hearing on application of Alex Rios, Rios Architecture, Inc., request to rezone property generally located at 118 Bosphorous Avenue from RS-60 to RS-50 (Residential Single-Family, Detached)

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