How to Keep Up on Development in Tampa

Map of Tampa with colored markers spread throughout city.

Unless you are already keyed in to an active civic group, it can be difficult to know what’s coming down the pipe in your neighborhood. If you live within 250 feet of a major change to a property, you should receive notice by mail. You might also see a sign at a property with a hearing date and file number, i.e. RZ-01-23.

But what about outside of immediate proximity and passing the property in transit? The city offers several methods under the umbrella of good neighbor notices. If you want to know about all development within the city, you probably want the monthly CARES Newsletter.

In addition, Development Coordination offers a map on their page of the city website. There’s also a full sized map.

We have inquired with the city about obtaining the data used to create their map to incorporate into this sites maps and look forward to helping surface this information for the community.

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