Quick Update

I edited the About page to add “I’ve decided to be more of a blog focused on decisions facing and made by the city. Opinions will be shared. I hope to continue to build tools to help analyze the data behind those decisions.

I enjoyed doing the Liveblog and would like to use it in the future, even if my schedule only allows me to review meetings on replay. A combination of running commentary with the previous attempt of timestamps and text of agenda items. But only focusing on major issues or discussions that I think deserve attention.

I’m still waiting to see what the result of migrating away from SIRE will do for access to the agenda and supporting documents. I’d love to be able to scrape the agenda and better integrate it but with the current technology scrapers are thwarted by captchas. My scripting-fu isn’t strong enough to deal with them at least.

Hey! Thanks for reading. 👋

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