How to Find & Read the Tampa City Council Agenda

A day planner with a pencil.

First, thank you for your interest in our city government. In the fall of 2023, the City of Tampa migrated from a legacy platform, SIRE, managing the agenda and the related public documents to a new platform, Onbase.

The direct link to Onbase could potentially change, so I recommend folks save the address which will redirect to right address.

From that home page, you will see the upcoming meetings at the top, and the last two dozen meetings. There’s a tab at the top for “Meetings” that allows you to search for keywords, particular types of meetings and timeframes. A couple of handy bookmarks

Each agenda item is a clickable link that will show any related documents. These may be memos from staff, presentations, or public comment. At the time of writing, if you are on desktop, the attachments, sometimes referred to as “backup”, will be on the right. On mobile, unfortunately, the behavior scrolls you to the bottom of the list to display the items and you’ll need to scroll back up to the next item. Hopefully this design will improve after staff has been able to migrate the legacy content fully.

If you haven’t seen my previews and wrap-ups, I encourage you to look through the archives. I try to offer context to the big items and shine light on items that may be overshadowed. It has always been my goal to encourage my neighbors to advocate effectively for the issues important to them, not dictate what is or isn’t important. I hope to demystify processes and if needed build tools to bridge communication gaps.

Hey! Thanks for reading. 👋

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