Support the Site

A coffee cup sketch with the words "buy me a coffee" after .

I have written from the start that this project was never intended to be monetized. No ads, no subscriber only content. But I have been shy about asking for support. This will always be a labor of love born from my sincere care for the city and as a way to help my neighbors. But life you know? I have made a lot of improvements to streamline the site and my workflow.

The next big item on my list is hosting. Currently the site is humming along on an inexpensive virtual private server (VPS) but I’m on the hook for the time to manage that. Security, performance, server admin 101. After almost 20 years of doing that with WordPress, I’d like to hand it off to someone else. Over the last few months, I’ve determined the best value for any business would be to use hosting. Particularly their “Creator” level which is $300 annually. Managed hosting with the tools to continue to grow the site without restriction.

So to that end, I’ve created a Support page. And I want to emphasis this is sincere

The single biggest way you can support my work is to continue reading. Taking what I’ve shared and use it to help make a better Tampa. Look out for those left behind and confused by the process. Do good.

Hey! Thanks for reading. 👋

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One response to “Support the Site”

  1. […] Finally, on a personal note, considering it’s budget season, I have considered the capital improvements I’d like to make to this site and have created a way for folks to help. If you’d like learn more I wrote a quick post, Support the Site. […]

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