Author: Michael Bishop
Tampa Fire Rescue Bonding
Initial questions about the decision yesterday at Tampa City Council to bond
Look Ahead 12-7-23
There’s quite a bit on this week’s agenda to cover and once again I will be curious to see how much attention is given to certain items. There isn’t an evening session so there will be less pressure to wrap up before 5. Ironically, there’s a meeting in the morning about agenda management as well…
Wrap Up – Council Workshop 11-30-23
Notes following a productive workshop day at City Council covering budget issues, sexual predator housing and the declining tree canopy.
Look Ahead – Council Workshop 11-30-23
While the last couple of months since the budget adoption have been generally light, this agenda is full of substantive issues that will take time to present and discuss. With an evening meeting, it will be interesting to see what gets cut short or continued. I urge you to email City Council if you have…
First Thoughts On New Agenda Platform Hyland Onbase
Saturday morning I received an email with a link to the draft agenda on the new platform. I have only spoke before Tampa City Council during public comment twice. Both were on the issue of SIRE/city council agenda. I spoke to the importance of the public nature of the agenda and its supporting files. The…
So Really, What’s Next?
I originally started out wanting to make it easier for folks to keep up with what’s going on with the City of Tampa by documenting council meetings. That turned out to be labor intensive and felt futile knowing the online agenda was changing. Linking to documents that were at temporary Urls seemed senseless. So I…
Clarifications About SIRE
Reiterating why I think it’s an important topic and a thought exercise on accountability.