Author: Michael Bishop
Budget Questions I Hope to Get Answers to – parking fund.
$44 million dollars is being spent by parking for stuff other than staff and operations and i’ld like to understand better what it’s being spent on and how the fund balance can be used.
Quick Update
I edited the About page to add “I’ve decided to be more of a blog focused on decisions facing and made by the city. Opinions will be shared. I hope to continue to build tools to help analyze the data behind those decisions.“ I enjoyed doing the Liveblog and would like to use it in…
Budget Questions I Hope to Get Answers to – Fund Balance
The fund balance is basically savings as I understand it. Funds not allocated for expenses. Currently the City of Tampa has a fund balance of roughly $72M. At least projected for the end of fiscal year 2023. So, how much do we save each year? Good question. According to this page in the budget The…
Editorial: The City of Tampa Budget Process is Broken
The public doesn’t know what is being cut and its time to stop the finger pointing.
An Argument for Better, Open Data in Tampa
[Below is what I sent to Tampa City Council last week and a similar message to the mayor’s office. I’m not sure I’m the most articulate messenger but we are at the start of the budget cycle so I put a stake in the ground.] Council members, I shared this with the mayor’s office last…