Author: Michael Bishop
Agenda 8-1-24
The Tampa City Council agenda for August 2, 2024 in an easier to read format. Link to full agenda in Onbase included.
This Week 7-25-24
CRA and Council both meet this week with short agendas with big decisions looming.
Agendas 7-25-24
Full CRA Agenda Full Evening Agenda CRA 1. File No. CRA24-2242 Current Channel District Co-Chair, Andy Scaglione, to appear and provide a verbal report outlining activities and/or concerns of said CAC. 2. File No. CRA24-2241 CRA Director’s Monthly Report – CRA City Services Agreements FY23 & FY24 and the FY25 CRA Budget 3. File No.…
Weekly Wrap Up 7-18-24
A look at the top items from City Council meeting 7-18-24. West Riverwalk, ADUs, and paving.
Support the Site
I have written from the start that this project was never intended to be monetized. No ads, no subscriber only content. But I have been shy about asking for support. This will always be a labor of love born from my sincere care for the city and as a way to help my neighbors. But…
This Week 7-18-24
Welcome back. A comprehensive look at the items Council will be voting on this week including $57 million West Riverwalk project.
CIT – Community Investment Tax
Currently the sales tax rate in Tampa and Hillsborough County is 7.5%. .The state has a 6% sales tax. The County adds an additional 1.5%. A half cent is standing, a half cent for the Community Investment Tax (CIT) and there’s another half cent that is set to expire in 2028 that was approved in…
One of my sincerest beliefs in doing all of this is that if we can demystify the budget process we can spend more substantive time on the issues. This is meant as a reference post about the budget in general. Specific items or issues will be documented separately and linked to as appropriate. If you…