Author: Michael Bishop
Tampa City Council Resolution 2024-344: Racial Reconciliation Committee
The full text transcript of City of Tampa Resolution 2024-344 establishing the Racial Reconciliation Committee, the companion resolution to 2020-568
This Week 5-2-24
Back after a week off with a Quick Look ahead as well as a recap of last week’s workshop.
This Week 4-18-24
No action on downtown CRA, more off-roading for TPD and the first reading of the Reconciliation Commission resolution.
This Week at Tampa City Council 4-11-24
An attempt to distill the last week of happenings around Tampa City Council.
Look Ahead 4-4-24
One shot look at the upcoming agenda and few thoughts and links from the past week.
Look Ahead 3-28-24
A run down of the items that caught my attention reading through the 3-28-24 Tampa City Council agenda.
This Week at Tampa City Council 3-21-24
A look ahead at this week’s CRA Board meeting and evening land use hearing.