Author: Michael Bishop
How to Find & Read the Tampa City Council Agenda
Getting started with Tampa City Council agenda and Onbase.
This Week at Tampa City Council 2-15-24
Last week I did a single post and sent that as the newsletter which I have no idea if it was a good idea or not. Mainly I meant for the newsletter to just be a way of getting a reminder the preview and look ahead were up. But I also know that not everyone…
Preview 2-15-24
Back after a break looking at everything except discussing the bonding and reimbursement resolution.
Wrap Up 2-8-24
Boiling down 10 hours of land use hearing into much fewer words and quick recap of the CRA meeting to boot.
This Week at Tampa City Council 2-8-24
A broad look at the past and upcoming Council meetings with some bonus links at the end.