How I Would Have Sold the Reimbursement Resolution

In September after rejecting a millage increase, Council, in collaboration with the Mayor, committed to an historic investment in Tampa Fire Rescue. 4 new fire stations and a critical relocation of fleet maintenance and supply. A total investment of $116 million over 5 years to be funded by bonding. We kicked that off with $19 million this year for starting the move of fleet maintenance, temporary but much needed improvements to fire station 9, and starting work on station 6. Work started on station 24 in fiscal year 23 continues and will carry through the next couple of budget cycles, depending on how fast things move this year.

This reimbursement resolution is a necessary step in that commitment. This vote doesn’t change anything in the budget or 5 year plan. This is not an obligation. Council will still be required to approve the appropriations annually. Council is not precluded from finding a different funding source before then. Again, this doesn’t commit the city to any debt beyond what is in the current budget. But without it, we wouldn’t be able to issue a bond. Also know this isn’t a blank check. It is only specific to these 5 projects not to exceed the projected $116 million.

What’s next? Council is fully committed to supporting the Mayor, Chief Tripp and Tampa Fire Rescue in the pursuit of this plan. If they determine the timeline can be expedited we are fully prepared to amend the budget accordingly and this important vote today ensures that we can move swiftly.

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