Some Thoughts After Mostly Listening to Public Comment

I didn’t initially plan on following City Council today, and didn’t tune in until an hour into the meeting. A lot of emotional, passionate public comment. While one could argue a lot of it doesn’t relate to city business, you then have to ask yourself which parts? Where do we start drawing the line between what Council really has control over and what is “on topic”? It’s Council’s agenda. They approve what is going to be discussed during that meeting. Their priorities. If we want them to be more disciplined in what is discussed, that should be a systemic discussion and not directed at a particular topic.

Woven through public comment beyond international human rights issues that affect some of our neighbors’ families, was an equity resolution passed by a previous Council and the lack of action by the current council or admin to address items outlined in the resolution. There was also comment in support of moving the recommendations in the comprehensive plan update forward. I couldn’t help but think “how can we bridge the work being done to advocate for equitable housing in the comp plan update with the goals of that resolution?” But I also know that my neighbors want to see results now, not more promises about how things will get better.

Nathan Hagen with YIMBY Tampa spoke to that and asked what would that comp plan discussion look like today if we made that connection when the resolution was passed? What indeed.

But that gets to one of my many goals with this site and project. Demystify the process and be able to point folks to direct efforts being worked on regarding issues they are passionate about. Empower more effective advocacy. Here’s how the process works, here’s where your voice can be heard. If you’d like to help or support that work, do please get in touch.

Hey! Thanks for reading. 👋

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One response to “Some Thoughts After Mostly Listening to Public Comment”

  1. […] mechanisms are for the Council or Mayor to formally create a commission I do not know. I wrote some additional thoughts on this Thursday after listening to most of the […]

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