Category: Site News
Support the Site
I have written from the start that this project was never intended to be monetized. No ads, no subscriber only content. But I have been shy about asking for support. This will always be a labor of love born from my sincere care for the city and as a way to help my neighbors. But…
Soft Redesign
Finally got around to updating the site design and put something together that gives me flexibility to do more writing and tool building.
End of Year Housekeeping
A look at the first year of the site and what I’ve accomplished and the plan for the coming year.
So Really, What’s Next?
I originally started out wanting to make it easier for folks to keep up with what’s going on with the City of Tampa by documenting council meetings. That turned out to be labor intensive and felt futile knowing the online agenda was changing. Linking to documents that were at temporary Urls seemed senseless. So I…
Quick Update
I edited the About page to add “I’ve decided to be more of a blog focused on decisions facing and made by the city. Opinions will be shared. I hope to continue to build tools to help analyze the data behind those decisions.“ I enjoyed doing the Liveblog and would like to use it in…