West River Network BUILD Project

(While this project was last approved for $56 million, the discussion of how to pay for the $32 million not covered by a federal grant persists. I decided to add a small explainer for reference.)

This project has been branded—potentially unfairly—as the West Riverwalk project. And while the project does connect and improve the access on the west side of the river from Platt to the schools north of Cass St, it also continues around to Rome up to Columbus back east over the river and down to Armature Works connecting with the current end of the “East riverwalk” at Water Works Park. Additionally it is supposed to transform Rome Ave south to Platt. Platt to Bayshore is included in the plan but there are already dedicated bike lanes so I’m not sure what else is being proposed. The changes for Rome Ave sound nice. (Project home page.)

This project will enhance Rome Avenue to provide a safe, convenient, and low-stress connector for all transportation. To support a low-stress network the City plans to include on-street bike facilities, enhanced crosswalks, and pedestrian walkways. Vertical deflection features to limit speeding are also planned, such as raised intersections or crosswalks.

Map of the proposed project.

And when Council first approved this in 2022 (Resolution 2022-520) at $30 million dollars with a $24 million dollar USDOT grant it sounded great. Two years later when the Admin came back to Council asking for approval of a $56 million design-build contract funded with the same $24 million dollar USDOT grant along with $26 million in bonding it warranted more discussion. Borrowing $26 million is closer to $50 million when the note is finally paid.

I can only assume because the original resolution was passed in 2022 this contract combined design build (Hanna Ave) versus the newer process of approving a design contract then build contracts (Fair Oaks/S Howard Flood Relief). Attached to the modified resolution was an estimated project budget.

  • Design $5.7 million
  • Construction $41.3 million
  • Contingency $9.7 million

When asked in July ’24 if the design could be scaled back to reduce the cost, the Director of Mobility said $56 million would already be scaled back. Any renderings you see for the project should be viewed with a grain of salt. Planned Construction Substantial Completion and Open to Traffic Date is 1-31-27.

Ultimately Council approved the modified design build contract for $56 million as well as approving $26 million in bonding 5-2 (Carlson and Hurtak no on both resolutions). Current discussion is a contribution from the West Tampa CRA of $10 million, though it’s not clear if that’s mostly to offset the $6 million gap between the grant and the bonding or to fully offset the amount that would need to borrowed.

Hey! Thanks for reading. 👋

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3 responses to “West River Network BUILD Project”

  1. […] Project” and funding. There’s been a lot of discussion on this project so I’ve given it its own post. And for the sake of brevity for subscribers, I’ve written a separate Council wrap-up post […]

  2. […] standpoint was the decision to approve $10 million of West Tampa CRA district funds for the West River BUILD project. There was a brief discussion about the outstanding projects that have been approved by the CAC of […]

  3. […] will be another discussion about West Riverwalk as it relates to easements and access along the river. Sections the city doesn’t […]

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