I know, it is difficult to think about municipal elections on the eve of a who knows what is coming presidential race. We just had an election in Tampa this spring and it will be 3 years before we have to start thinking about our next mayor and city council. But now exactly is the time to start talking about it because if it’s something folks want, it will take time to put it to a vote and make the necessary changes.
This has been a topic Council member Viera has been trying to put on the agenda for almost a year. Last Thursday’s Council workshop it was the first item up. To set the stage, I recommend reading Matt Newton’s Op-Ed in Creative Loafing—”It’s time to confront Tampa’s low voter turnout by timing local and national elections together”.
Today in Tampa, the city’s commitment to this outdated practice resulted in an abysmal municipal election turnout this year: 13.65%. In these low turnout affairs, the data is irrefutable: residents over 65, white voters, and the wealthy are overrepresented.
Matt also presented to Council along with an expert on the subject. I’ve cued up the video to start of the agenda item.
I recommend watching the discussion with Council, but the gist is it was generally shot down by everyone. The best that could be mustered was to bring the topic back next April as a more general discussion about how to improve voter turn out.
Personally I want as many people voting as possible. For every seat.
The argument that municipal candidates would be drowned out by federal races leaves out the fact that having an election 5 months after mid-term elections is no better. Voter fatigue and a new year leaves little attention on local elections. Perhaps with a mayoral race in the mix in 2027 it will invigorate the electorate and we’ll reach 20% turnout. That’s still abysmal. And still would be dominated by rich white old people.
I could see an argument that it would be more appropriate to have municipal elections aligned with state level elections, specifically governor. Issues facing cities are more and more connected to what happens in Tallahassee as the Legislature chips away at local rule. The problem there is we would need to either cut the mayor and council’s term by a year or extend the next term 3 years to line up. A one year extension would be needed to line up with presidential elections. Which has been the method passed by other cities that have made the switch.
My gut tells me this gets punted before April and it will be a decade at least before anything changes. Unless there is a loud enough call from the public to put this to a referendum vote.
I also agree with Council member Hurtak that this conversation goes hand in hand with one about the demands on Council members today compared to even 10 years ago. Last Council voted against the recommended salary adjustments proposed by the admin. Paying part time wages for a job we expect a full time commitment to limits who can run. We should want as diverse of a city council as voters.
While I’m at it, I’ll go on record to say I think City Council should be expanded. I’ve done some research on that topic I’ll share another day.
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