Real quick site update. I want to thank everyone who reads and especially those that have left comments. I’m not on conventional social media, nor do I have the time or inclination to be. I do however like being able to discuss the issues affecting the city. I recently added spam filtering for comments and today I added a new feature, “Subscribe to Comments”. This allows folks to get a notification if I or someone else responds to a comment.

But to be very, very very clear, I have zero tolerance for shitposting or trouble makers. Disagreeing on issues or how to solve an issue is one thing, personal attacks against other commenters or city staff (including our elected officials) will result in immediate deletion. I hope to not have to ever deal with that, but over 20 years online tells me to be prepared. It’s one reason I have avoided creating a Facebook page for the site. To that point, if you have never left a comment, your first comment will be held in moderation. Once that comment has been approved, (I try to catch them as quick as I can), then subsequent comments should post immediately.

You should have full control over how/what you get notifications on, and well, the traffic isn’t that great that I expect a ton, but the option is now there.

Again, thanks for reading, and please, never hesitate to reach out if you have questions or need help with an issue. I’m always happy to grab a coffee too.

Hey! Thanks for reading. 👋

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