Quiet Kick Off

Line sketch of hands typing on keyboard.

I’m going to give this a go and am beginning with the week of February 7, 2023 (current week) and will back fill January as I move forward. My goal with Meeting Notes is to not editorialize and leave that to blog posts which can link to one or more meetings with associated agenda and notes.

I will be honest, I do not have high hopes for what ever is replacing SIRE however I’m holding out hope. Having the agenda condensed to just the item numbers along with the embedded meeting I’m hoping to encourage more people to watch the meetings themselves. I’ll probably experiment with grabbing timestamp links for each agenda item so if you’re really only interested in a particular item, you can easily access that point of the meeting. Experiment because I haven’t used web controls on Youtube in quite some time, I mostly stream from the Apple TV. That’s about to change.

I am on the fence about comments and am considering opening them up. With my exit from social media platforms it feels there could be a place for constructive conversations about the process more so than a particular agenda item.

Hey! Thanks for reading. 👋

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