Switching it Up

I’ve been documenting City Council meetings still however getting them into WordPress has turned into a time sink. I’ve also been exploring some data sources that I want to display along with maps and the council meetings. That plus life has me quite behind in publishing.

I’ve come to find a workflow for the documentation part so I’m switching away from WordPress to a static site built with Eleventy. Using markdown files will exponentially speed up the time to posting the meetings as I already use a text file for the documentation part. A couple of snippets to add markup and meta data will eliminate the time spent copying/pasting into the WordPress editor.

There are a few pieces to get into place before the switch but I should have the initial re-launch done in a few days. No new content will be added until then. I’m setting a pretty tight deadline to test myself and not get too behind with the new council.

Hey! Thanks for reading. 👋

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