
Item 1 – Presentation of commendation to Russell Haupert, T&I Director, who is retiring from the City of Tampa. I have been extremely critical of the Technology & Innovation Dept but it came as a surprise that Russell Haupert, CIO/CTO is retiring. I wish him a long, happy & healthy retirement but I hope the city takes this an opportunity to rethink how we do tech and digital services.

Item 2 – Citizen Budget Advisory Committee to present at least 2-3 options of a salary increase for City Council. This will be interesting. There has been push back from a few of the council members regarding increasing their pay. I have supported an increase.

Item 4 – Juvenile Curfew. I’ll be curious if this gets any public comment prior to the discussion. I suspect this will pass save a huge public push back.

Item 5 – School Speed Zone Cameras. I don’t trust law enforcement with cameras and don’t think this will be an effective program. I recognize that I am in the minority and doubt this item will get anything but support.

Item 11 – Homeland Security Grant This is a ridiculous holdover from the “war on terror” where Federal funds must be used for “terrorism and other catastrophic events”. I would hope that we focus on the latter part of that mandate than the former. I realize this is a sub grant and we coordinate regionally but it’s just a reminder of how poor Federal policy trickles down to the local. It’s also worth considering how those with a more authoritarian political view use these grants.

Item 40 – Homeless Services Contract with Salvation Army. $2.8M for FY24. I would be curious if there’s an audit of the services provided by Salvation Army or a comparison to other service providers.

Item 42 – Fowler Development. First case of Live Local Act in Tampa? 627 Units, 10% affordable.

Item 43 – Funlan Property. This just looks like a paper move, but a reminder the city made a $12M interest free loan on this development in exchange for affordable housing.

Item 58 – Microsoft. $6.8M in license fees. Hard to avoid but I think it demonstrates the size and importance of the Technology & Innovation Department.

Item 59 – Water Meters. Another $6.5M for meter, valve and hydrant replacement. I’m still waiting for my meter to be replaced.

Items 60 and 61 – Police Grant. See item 11. TPD gets a lot of grants these days. I’m curious how much of the these were budget items approved in October and the funds go back into the TPD general fund.

Items 64 and 66 – VM Ybor Sexual Predator Housing. This is a follow up item from the workshop 2 weeks ago. See my comments about cameras above. Code enforcement will also be reporting on the properties specifically.

Item 65 – School Zone Cameras. See #5

Item 67 – Entertainment Districts. This has been continued at least 5 times. Let’s see if it actually gets a discussion. The recent violence and shooting in Ybor has at least kept it on the back burner. I believe Waters Ave from Florida Ave to Nebraska Ave and south to the river is an area the city could consider. And really, this is about looking for creative ways the city could incentivize developers to actually build it.

Item 68 – Planned Developments. This was another item continued from the workshop 2 weeks ago. My thoughts from the workshop preview.

Item 69 Florida Aquarium. Questions about the financing of the Florida Aquarium. The provided memo shows that over the life of the Aquarium will have cost the city roughly $200 million. The bond matures in 2027, we still owe ~$28M. A question about land sales was also asked and the city sold off 5 acres to the Port Authority for $6M with no indications that revenue was used to pay down the debt.

At the last CRA hearing there was a lot of discussion about the city funding the Aquarium and I think folks forget the city owns it.

The memo from Mr. Rogero also notes that the city pledged revenue from Occupational License Tax as a funding source for the bond but doesn’t break down whether that tax covers the $7M annual cost. If so, we would be looking at an increase in general funds of $7 annually starting FY28.

Item 70 Budget Analyst. Discussed during the workshop 2 weeks ago, this vote should be strictly on approving the language Council member Clendenin worked with staff to finalize. I might blow a gasket if it gets derailed. But I think a majority of Council recognize they are not equipped to fully comprehend the enormity of a $2.2B budget.I have a few additional details in the preview.

Hey! Thanks for reading. 👋

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