Regular Meeting 2-16-23


Agenda items/File numbers open a link in a new tab to supporting documents. See original document for complete agenda language. Included with each item is a link to video timestamp and notes about the resolution/results of the item/hearing.

Ceremonial Activities/Presentations

1 – File No. CM22-79130

Video Timestamp

Presentation of commendation to Conor Durkin, who worked for Councilmember Viera’s office for many years.

(Original motion initiated by Viera-Maniscalco on December 15, 2022)


I recommend listening to Conor’s remarks. He makes important points about the importance of local government, especially their role in supporting people with disabilities.

2 – File No. CM23-79771

Video Timestamp

Florida Department of Transportation to present on OnBoard Tampa Bay.

(Original motion initiated by Citro-Carlson on January 26, 2023).


Staff Reports and Unfinished Business

3 – File No. E2023-8 CH 27

(Ordinance being presented for first reading consideration) – An Ordinance of the City of Tampa, Florida, relating to Off-street parking, landscape buffer and tree planting requirements in CBD Periphery


Continued until May 8, 2023

8 – File No. CM23-79470

Youtube timestamp

Nelson Construction and City Staff to appear and explain the further delay of the re-pipe work on Caracas Street, and the drama with Crest Avenue.

(Original motion initiated by Hurtak-Maniscalco on January 12, 2023) (Continued from January 19, 2023)


Detailed update on timeline for various aspects of the project including the closure of Nebraska Ave.

5 – File No. BZP23-79604 

YouTube timestamp

Resolution approving the execution by the Mayor and attestation by the City Clerk of a License and Hold Harmless Agreement between City of Tampa, as Licensor, and Kimmins Contracting Corp., a Florida profit corporation, as Licensee, to utilize a portion of City property located in the vicinity of 7215 and 7509 S. Manhattan Avenue, Tampa, Florida as an office compound and material laydown yard; providing an effective date.

(Continued from February 2, 2023)


6 – File No. BZP23-79607

YouTube timestamp

Resolution approving Contract Change Order 1 adding $3,755,923.02 to the Contract between the City of Tampa and DPR Construction, A General Partnership for Contract 15-C-00027, construction of Hanna Avenue Municipal Building Renovations – Design-Build -GMP; authorizing execution of said Change Order by the Mayor of the City of Tampa; providing an effective date.


A lot of back and forth over the accounting on the total budget for the Hanna Ave project and how the requests for features by council factor into the overall project costs.

Also discussed was room for growth within the building as well as how the city intends to utilize the space in existing buildings once departments that are slated for Hanna Ave move and are consolidated. In particular how CRA staff will fit into the shuffle.

7 – File No. BZP23-79838

YouTube timestamp

Resolution authorizing an agreement between the City of Tampa and Kiewit Infrastructure South Co., in the amount of $44,678,396.87 for professional design-build services with a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) in connection with 20-C-00002; Comprehensive Infrastructure for Tampa’s Neighborhoods – Design-Build, authorizing the Mayor to execute said agreement on behalf of the City of Tampa; providing an effective date.


Lots of money as part of the larger pipe replacement program going on within the city.

9 – File No. CM21-71847

Staff to appear and provide a report on funding and creation of a sidewalk along N 9th St between Bougainvillea Ave. to Linebaugh Ave., due to safety concerns.

(Original motion initiated by Viera-Maniscalco on November 18, 2021) (Continued from February 17, 2022, August 4, 2022, and August 25, 2022)


Item removed in lieu of memo.

10 – File No. CM22-78934

YouTube timestamp

Administration to provide a written update on what the City can and cannot do in regards to the traffic backup at Trader Joe’s on South Dale Mabry Hwy.

(Original motion initiated by Maniscalco-Gudes on December 8, 2022) (Update motion initiated on January 5, 2023)


11 – File No. CM22-77567

Administration to report on the specifics of how the internship for individual with intellectual disabilities will work.

(Original motion initiated by Viera-Maniscalco on September 20, 2022)


Item continued for 60 days.

12 – File No. CM22-78781

YouTube timestamp

Staff to provide a report on the current status of City department heads’ compliance with the Charter, defined residency requirement, and what to do if any have exceeded the time limit and do not comply.

(Original motion initiated by Carlson-Hurtak on December 1, 2022)


Items 12 and 13 are related. The attached memo clearly outlines the current status of all department heads and their status as to residency or under a waiver.

13 – File No. CM23-79624

Staff to provide a report on reviewing one-year residency waivers for department heads to include: 1) List of who is currently on the waiver list, and 2) definition of department head vs manager. In addition, it includes data regarding how often this has been used in the last 5 years

(Original motion initiated by Hurtak-Maniscalco on January 19, 2023)


Items 12 and 13 are related.

84 – File No. AB2-22-21

Youtube timestamp

(Ordinance being presented for second reading and adoption) – An Ordinance approving a special use permit (SU-2) for alcoholic beverage sales – small venue (consumption on-premises and package sales/off-premises consumption) and making lawful the sale of beverages regardless of alcoholic content – beer, wine and liquor – at or from that certain lot, plot or tract of land located at 1730 East 7th Avenue, as more particularly described in Section 2; providing that all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict are repealed; providing an effective date.

(Original motion to approve said ordinance on first reading was initiated by Maniscalco-Gudes on January 26, 2023)


Motion passed unanimously.

Part 2

14 – File No. CM23-79623

YouTube timestamp

Legal Department to draft an ordinance to amend the Code of Ordinances, Section 18-8(6)(h) to provide for the Citizen Review Board to select legal counsel who is not a city employee to advise the Citizen Review Board, with the funding provided by the City.

(Original motion initiated by Hurtak-Carlson on January 19, 2023) (Continued from February 2, 2023)


More discussion about the language of the ordinance, specifically as to whether the standing CRB legal counsel is to be staffed by the city unless outside counsel is requested or if its outside counsel by default.

15 – File No. CM22-77965

Legal Staff to draft and present an ordinance for discussion that would codify the Mayor’s recommended process for naming buildings, roads, structures, and other city property, and to establish an approval process that would require approval of the Mayor and City Council.

(Original motion initiated by Carlson-Hurtak on October 13, 2022) (Continued from December 15, 2022)


Continued until March 2, 2023

16 – File No. CM21-71562

Nicole Travis, Administrator for Development and Economic Opportunity, to provide a SWOT analysis and an update on how the City of Tampa’s Tenant Advocacy Office is doing, and report if there any areas where changes need to be made.

(Motion initiated by Hurtak-Maniscalco on August 4, 2022) (Next bi-monthly update scheduled for April 20, 2023)


Continued until April 20, 2023

17 – File No. CM23-79627

Staff to provide a report on the federal government implementation of a Parole Process for Venezuelans program that could ease the burden of the City of Tampa.

(Original motion initiated by Viera-Maniscalco on January 19, 2023)


Continued until March 16, 2023

18 – File No. CM23-79136

Staff to provide an update with the answers to the questions submitted by Cheryl Schroder, and to provide a carbon copy to Jim Junecko and Cheryl Schroeder.

(Original motion initiated by Citro-Miranda on January 5, 2023)(Updated motion initiated by Hurtak-Maniscalco on February 2, 2023)


Memorandum from Adriana M. Colina, Director of Logistics & Asset Management, requesting that said agenda item be continued to April 20, 2023

19 – File No. CM22-77483

Staff to report on the request to name a section of Forest Hills Park improvements, at the discretion of the Administration, after Shirley Risler, who worked at the park for many years and recently retired from the City of Tampa

Original motion initiated by Viera-Maniscalco on September 15, 2022)(Continued from November 3, 2022 and December 15, 2022)


Memorandum from Sherisha Hills, Director of Tampa Parks & Recreation, requesting that said agenda item be continued to April 20, 2023.

Item 15 is related in that it sets in motion formalization of the naming process. Anything related to naming will be pushed back until that is adopted.

Consent Agenda

Note: We will not be listing all of the consent agenda items (regularly numbering over 50 items) to better focus on the primary actions of Council. If an item is removed from the consent agenda by a Council member it will appear under Staff Reports and Unfinished Business.

Public Hearings

78 – File No. TA/CPA 22-14

(Ordinance being presented on second reading and adoption) – An Ordinance amending the Imagine 2040: Tampa Comprehensive Plan, Future Land Use Element, Future Land Use Map, for the property located at 1112 West Waters Avenue, from Community Mixed Use-35 (CMU-35) to Community Commercial-35 (CC-35); Providing for repeal of all ordinances in conflict; Providing for severability; Providing an effective date.

(Original motion to approve said ordinance on first reading was initiated by Carlson-Maniscalco on January 26, 2023


Passes 5 – 1 with Hurtak voting no and Carlson absent at vote.

79 – File No. TA/CPA 22-18

Youtube timestamp

(Ordinance being presented for second reading and adoption) – An Ordinance amending the Imagine 2040: Tampa Comprehensive Plan, Future Land Use Element, Future Land Use Map, for the property located at 803 West Linebaugh Avenue, from Residential-10 (R-10) to Residential-20 (R-20); Providing for repeal of all ordinances in conflict; Providing for severability; Providing an effective date.

(Original motion to approve said ordinance on first reading was initiated by Miranda-Miranda on January 19, 2023)


Passes unanimously with Carlson absent at vote.

80 – File No. TA/CPA 22-19 

Youtube timestamp

(Ordinance being presented for second reading and adoption) – An Ordinance amending the Imagine 2040: Tampa Comprehensive Plan, Future Land Use Element, Future Land Use Map, for the property located at 2302 and 2304 North Boulevard, from Residential-10 (R-10) to Residential-20 (R-20); Providing for repeal of all ordinances in conflict; Providing for severability; Providing an effective date.

(Original motion to approve said ordinance on first reading was initiated by Carlson-Hurtak on January 26, 2023)


Item continued until March 2, 2023 after skipping over item due to closeness of first vote and Carlson absent at time of presentation.

81 – File No. TA/CPA 22-22

Youtube timestamp


(Original motion to approve said ordinance on first reading was initiated by Maniscalco-Miranda on January 26, 2023)


Passes unanimously with Carlson absent at vote.

82 – File No. VAC-23-02 

Youtube timestamp

An ordinance of the City of Tampa, Florida, vacating, closing, discontinuing and abandoning a portion of 7th Avenue right-of-way and a portion of Market Street right-of-way located North of Hillsborough River, South of Palm Avenue, East of Sandra Heights Lane and West of Ola Avenue, all within the Plat of Heights of Tampa Subdivision, in the City of Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida, as more fully described in Section 2 hereof, subject to the reservation of certain easements and the imposition of certain covenants, conditions and restrictions as more particularly set forth herein; providing for enforcement and penalties for violations; providing for definitions, interpretations and repealing conflicts; providing for severability; providing an effective date.

(Original motion to approve said ordinance on first reading was initiated by Maniscalco-Miranda on January 19, 2023


Passes unanimously with Carlson absent at vote.

83 – File No. VAC-22-25 

Youtube timestamp

(Ordinance being presented for second reading and adoption) – An ordinance of the City of Tampa, Florida, vacating, closing, discontinuing and abandoning that portion of Ellicott Street Right-of-Way located North of Louisiana Avenue, South of Caracas Street, East of 34th Street and West of 36th Street, within the Plat of Prince’s Subdivision, in the City of Tampa, as more fully described in Section 2 hereof, subject to certain covenants, conditions and restrictions as more particularly set forth herein; providing for enforcement and penalties for violations; providing for definitions, interpretations and repealing conflicts; providing for severability; providing an effective date.

(Original motion to approve said ordinance on first reading was initiated by Gudes-Miranda on January 19, 2023


Passes unanimously with Carlson and absent at vote.

85 – File No. E2023-8 CH 24

Youtube timestamp

Public hearing on a petition to levy a special assessment for streetlights generally located North of Kay Street, South of Henderson Avenue, East of Lamar Avenue, West of Nebraska Avenue as more particularly described herein, for the purpose of considering the adoption of a resolution authorizing the uniform method of collection of non-ad valorem assessments in accordance with section 197.3632, Florida Statutes.

(Resolution setting public hearing initiated and adopted by Maniscalco-Gudes on January 5, 2023)


Passes unanimously with Carlson absent.

86 – File No. E2023-8 CH 24

Youtube timestamp

Public hearing on a Petition to Levy a Special Assessment for streetlights on portions of Northside Country Club area, a subdivision per map or plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 27, Pages 22 through 27 of the Public Records of Hillsborough County, Florida, and located between N. Forest Hills Drive and N. Community Place, being North of Rambla Street, South of Forest Hills Drive, East of Forest Hills Place, and West of Willow Avenue as more particularly described herein, for the purpose of considering the adoption of a resolution authorizing the uniform method of collection of non-ad valorem assessments in accordance with section 197.3632, Florida Statutes.

(Resolution setting public hearing initiated and adopted by Maniscalco-Gudes on January 5, 2023)


Passes unanimously with Carlson absent.

Final 13 minutes of Agenda Item 87

87 – File No. SU1-22-60-C

Youtube timestamp

Review hearing on petition for review filed by David Wright/TSP Companies, Inc. requesting a review hearing regarding a decision of the Zoning Administrator/Historic Preservation Manager, SU1-22-0000060, pertaining to the property located at 3627 S Hesperides Street.

(Original motion to schedule said hearing initiated by Maniscalco-Miranda on November 3, 2022) (Re-scheduled from December 15, 2022)


Motion made by Maniscalco, seconded by Viera fails with Miranda, Gudes and Citro voting no, Carlson absent at vote. By city code, item scheduled for next council meeting, March 2, 23.

At the crux of this petition for review is a broader discussion that has been going on within the city over the last year over “mother-in-law suites”, more formally known as ADUs – auxiliary dwelling units and extended family residences.

Meeting Notes

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