Regular Meeting 3-2-23


Agenda items/File numbers open a link in a new tab to supporting documents. See original document for complete agenda language. Included with each item is a link to video timestamp and notes about the resolution/results of the item/hearing.

1 File No. E2023-15

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Presentation of commendation to the Police Officer of the Month.

2 File No. TA/CPA 22-19

(Ordinance being presented for second reading and adoption) – An Ordinance amending the Imagine 2040: Tampa Comprehensive Plan, Future Land Use Element, Future Land Use Map, for the property located at 2302 and 2304 North Boulevard, from Residential-10 (R-10) to Residential-20 (R-20); Providing for repeal of all ordinances in conflict; Providing for severability; Providing an effective date.

(Original motion to approve said ordinance on first reading was initiated by Carlson-Hurtak on January 26, 2023) (Continued from February 16, 2023)


Memorandum from Andrea Zelman, City Attorney, and Morris Massey, Deputy City Attorney, requesting that said public hearing be continued to April 6, 2023.

3 File No. SU1-22-60-C

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Continued review hearing on petition for review filed by David Wright/TSP Companies, Inc. requesting a review hearing regarding a decision of the Zoning Administrator/Historic Preservation Manager, SU1-22-0000060, pertaining to the property located at 3627 S Hesperides Street.

(Continued from February 16, 2023 pursuant to Council Rules of Procedure, Rule 6(H) due to lack of two-thirds majority vote of 3-3 with Gudes, Miranda, and Citro voting no, and Carlson being absent )


Motion passes 4-3 with Carlson adding a yes vote.

11 File No. CM22-77481

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Martin Shelby, Council Attorney, to report on what City Council can do to put an end to the Pure Project, and move on.

(Original motion initiated by Hurtak-Miranda on September 15, 2022)(Updated motion initiated by Gudes-Hurtak on February 23, 2023


Short answer is, not much. Longer answer is once a contract is signed and a budget has been approved, the council can’t dictate what the administration does.

55 File No. VAC-23-03 

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An ordinance of the City of Tampa, Florida, vacating, closing, discontinuing and abandoning a portion of Newport Avenue right-of-way and that certain alleyway, both located North of North A Street, South of North B Street, East of Willow Avenue, and West of the CSX Railroad Corridor, all within the Plat of Collins Addition to West Tampa Subdivision, in the City of Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida.

(Original motion to approve said ordinance on first reading was initiated by Gudes-Miranda on February 2, 2023)


Second reading passes unanimously with Viera and Hurtak absent at vote.

56 File No. REZ-22-89

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An Ordinance rezoning property in the general vicinity of 3410 North 11th Street, in the City of Tampa, Florida, and more particularly described in Section 1, from zoning district classification(s) RS-50 (Residential, Single-Family) to PD (Planned Development, Residential, Single-Family, Detached); providing an effective date.

(Original motion to approve said ordinance on first reading was initiated by Carlson-Hurtak on February 9, 2023)


Pass unanimously.

57 File No. REZ-22-125

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(Ordinance being presented for second reading and adoption) – An Ordinance rezoning property in the general vicinity of 210 East Columbus Drive and 2702 and 2706 North Morgan Street, In the City of Tampa, Florida, and more particularly described in Section 1, from zoning district classification(s) CI (Commercial Intensive) and RS-50 (Residential, Single-Family) to PD (Planned Development, Residential, Single-Family Detached and Semi-Detached); providing an effective date.

(Original motion to approve said ordinance on first reading was initiated by Viera-Gudes on February 9, 2023 )


Second reading passes 4-3 with Hurtak, Maniscalco, and Citro voting no.

58 File No. REZ-22-87

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(Ordinance being presented for second reading and adoption) -An Ordinance rezoning property in the general vicinity of 1200 North West Shore Boulevard, in the City of Tampa, Florida, and more particularly described in Section 1, from zoning district classification(s) OP-1 (Office Professional) and M-AP-1 (Municipal Airport) to PD (Planned Development, Residential, Multi-Family, Retail Sales and Restaurant); providing an effective date.

(Original motion to approve said ordinance on first reading was initiated by Maniscalco-Miranda on February 9, 2023)


Changes to site plan with a note stating if the PD doesn’t go through, the site will keep the OP-1/hotel zoning requires this application to revert to first reading April 6, 2023. Later amended to April 13, 2023 to meet requirement for evening meeting.

59 File No. REZ-22-109

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(Ordinance being presented for second reading and adoption) – An Ordinance rezoning property in the general vicinity of 2713 West Columbus Drive, in the City of Tampa, Florida, and more particularly described in Section 1, from zoning district classification(s) PD (Planned Development) to RS-50 (Residential, Single-Family); providing an effective date.

(Original motion to approve said ordinance on first reading was initiated by Hurtak-Miranda on February 9, 2023)


Second reading passes unanimously.

60 File No. REZ-22-123

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(Ordinance being presented for second reading and adoption) – An Ordinance rezoning property in the general vicinity of 1200 West Cass Street, in the City of Tampa, Florida, and more particularly described in Section 1, from zoning district classification(s) IG (Industrial General) and CI (Commercial Intensive) to CI (Commercial Intensive); providing and effective date.

(Original motion to approve said ordinance on first reading was initiated by Gudes-Maniscalco on February 9, 2023)


Second reading passes unanimously.

61 File No. REZ-22-131

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(Ordinance being presented for second reading and adoption) – An Ordinance rezoning property in the general vicinity of 1105 East Louisiana Avenue, in the City of Tampa, Florida, and more particularly described in Section 1, from zoning district classification(s) SH-RS (Seminole Heights, Residential, Single-Family) to SH-PD (Seminole Heights, Planned Development, Residential, Single-Family Detached); providing and effective date.

(Original motion to approve said ordinance on first reading was initiated by Miranda-Maniscalco on February 9, 2023)


Second reading passes unanimously.

62 File No. REZ-23-02

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(Ordinance being presented for second reading and adoption) – An Ordinance rezoning property in the general vicinity of 2132 West Saint Conrad Street, in the City of Tampa, Florida, and more particularly described in Section 1, from zoning district classification(s) RS-50 (Residential, Single-Family) to PD (Planned Development, Residential, Single-Family Attached); providing an effective date.

(Original motion to approve said ordinance on first reading was initiated by Carlson-Maniscalco on February 9, 2023)


Second reading passes unanimously.

63 File No. VAC 23-05

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Public Hearing on application by Todd Hutchins requesting to vacate an alley in Bowman Heights.

(Ordinance being presented on first reading consideration) – An ordinance of the City of Tampa, Florida, vacating, closing, discontinuing and abandoning that north/south diagonal alleyway located North of Columbus Drive, South of Kathleen Street, East of Fremont Avenue and West of Rome Avenue, within the Plat of Bowman Heights Subdivision, in the City of Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida.

Passes unanimously.

64 File No. VRB-22-88-C

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Review Hearing on petition for review filed by Aldo Lopez requesting a review hearing regarding a decision of the Variance Review Board, VRB-22-88, pertaining to the property located at 1728 W Powhatan Avenue.

(Original motion to schedule said hearing initiated by Maniscalco-Gudes on January 5, 2023)


Council upholds VRB decision 4-3 with Maniscalco, Viera, and Carlson voting no.

65 File No. SU1-23-04-C

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Review hearing on petition for review filed by James E. Jones, Jr. requesting a review hearing regarding a decision of the Zoning Administrator/Historic Preservation Manager, SU1-23-0000004, pertaining to the property located at 801 E. Emma Street.

(Original motion to schedule said hearing initiated by Maniscalco-Gudes on January 19, 2023)


Motion carried unanimously.

5 File No. F23-79622

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Resolution approving a Federally Funded Subgrant Agreement between the State of Florida Division of Emergency Management and the City of Tampa for acceptance of grant funds; which will be used by the city for the costs associated with responding to Hurricane Ian; authorizing execution thereof by the Mayor of the City of Tampa and providing an effective date.

6 File No. CM23-79314

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Waste Management Staff to explain the difference between Monday/Thursday vs Tuesday/Friday trash, recycling and yard waste pickups, because there is an inequity in the numbers of nonservice days, and what can be done to address.

(Original motion initiated by Hurtak-Maniscalco on January 5, 2023)


This discussion isn’t over.

7 File No. E2023-8 CH 27

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Staff to present the proposed conceptual amendments to the Land Development Code offered as part of the January 2023 cycle, and to include the notice provision of design exceptions.

(Original motion initiated by Carlson-Gudes on February 23, 2023)


Council approved unanimously to move forward with the prposed amendments. The are conceptual and will move to public input and then to a public hearing.

Worth noting after some other comments, Abbye Feeley, Director of the Development & Growth Management Department gives some back story on variance requests. Worth a listen.

8 File No. CM22-77743

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Staff to provide an update on some recommendations for City Council, in addition to talking about some of the other changes that might be coming pertaining to protocol and communication with City Council during emergency situations.

(Original motion initiated by Carlson-Maniscalco on October 6, 2022)(Updated motion initiated by Hurtak-Carlson on January 26, 2023)


Classic example of a council member asking for something specific and it’s turned into something else entirely.

9 File No. CM22-77965

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Legal Staff to draft and present an ordinance for discussion that would codify the Mayor’s recommended process for naming buildings, roads, structures, and other city property, and to establish an approval process that would require approval of the Mayor and City Council.

(Original motion initiated by Carlson-Hurtak on October 13, 2022) (Continued from December 15, 2022) (Continued from February 16, 2023)

10 File No. CM22-74623

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City Attorney to present a draft ordinance that would require the City Attorney to inform City Council within 10 days of the receipt of a letter or notice of investigation of the City, not individuals, by the United States of Department of Justice or Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

(Original motion initiated by Carlson-Gudes on May 5, 2022) (Motion to reschedule from June 2, 2022 initiated by Carlson-Maniscalco on May 19, 2022) (Continued from June 16, 2022, July 14, 2022, September 1, 2022, and October 27, 2022)(Updated motion initiated by Carlson-Hurtak on January 26, 2023)


Ordinance will come back for first reading on April 20, 2023.

12 File No. CM22-73825

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Martin Shelby, Council Attorney, to bring back a proposed ordinance to protect elected officials sued under Chapter 119, along any recommendations on the private liability insurance.

(Motion initiated by Carlson-Maniscalco on January 19, 2023)


Continued to March 16, 2023.

13 File No. CM23-79781

14 File No. CM23-79785

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Martin Shelby, City Council Attorney, to bring back changes to City Council’s Rules and Procedures, which includes: to allow 5 minutes for special presentations at the beginning with 5 minutes additional for Council comments; to allow only three 10-minute commendations for each meeting with no comments from Council; and to have no more than ten staff reports after other City business items has been completed.

(Original motion initiated by Hurtak-Viera on January 26, 2023)

Resolution amending the Rules of Procedure governing meetings of the City Council of the City of Tampa, amending Rule 3 permitting remote participation by a member who is physically not able to attend a meeting where a quorum is present; amending Rule 5 allowing for virtual participation of the public using Communication Media Technology (CMT); amending Rule 6 regarding petitioners’ requests for continuances for quasi-judicial hearing; allowing for virtual participation using CMT in quasi-judicial hearings; providing an effective date.


Will come back before council with changes discussed at this meeting.


Item 15, list of surplus properties deemed appropriate for affordable housing continued until March 16, 2023. Items 16, Accela issues, and item 17, public notice for contracts over 20 million, continued until April 6, 2023.

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