Workshop 2-23-23


Agenda items/File numbers open a link in a new tab to supporting documents. See [original document] for complete agenda language. Included with each item is a link to video timestamp and notes about the resolution/results of the item/hearing.

Ceremonial Activities/Presentations

1 – File No. CM23-80031

YouTube timestamp

Presentation of commendation to Buccaneers Quarterback, Blaine Gabbert and his brothers, Tyler and Brett, for their role in the rescue of the Hupp family and the pilot from a helicopter crash off the coast of Davis Island. 

(Original motion initiated by Citro-Miranda on January 5, 2023; updated motion initiated by Citro-Miranda on February 9, 2023)



2 – File No. CM23-79709

YouTube Timestamp

Planning Commission and City’s Planning Department to appear and present an update on the Future Land Use Assessment with Pritchett Steinbeck Group.

(Original motion initiated by Maniscalco-Gudes on January 26, 2023)


3 – File No. CM21-71874

Tampa Housing Authority to appear and provide a report regarding what the City is doing to provide counseling to citizens with disabilities, and what incentives the City is currently using and what can be done additionally.

(Continued from May 26, 2022.)(Motion to reschedule from September 22, 2022 to said date made by Viera-Maniscalco on September 15, 2022


Continued until April 6th

4 – File No. CM22-76980

YouTube timestamp

Staff and the Police Union to provide a report on how to fill the 200 police officer shortage, how to reduce the violent crime rate; and to explain how Tampa Police Department works, so that the public can see.

(Original motion initiated by Carlson-Gudes on November 17, 2022


This is an in-depth discussion about the current size of the Tampa Police Department, how it compares to previous years and what are the plans for addressing concerns with day-to-day street level patrol levels.

5 – File No. CM23-79625

YouTube timestamp

Staff to provide information about an agreement between Tampa Fire Rescue and local hospitals regarding wait times.

(Original motion initiated by Hurtak-Gudes on January 19, 2023)


Workshop part 2

9 – File No. CM22-78782

YouTube timestamp

Fire Rescue and Local 754 to provide a written report on the Public Safety Master Plan; further, that a report be provided on the overall Public Safety Master Plan.

(Motion initiated by Viera-Maniscalco / Viera-Gudes on January 5, 2023


Continued until March 16, 2023, however there was public comment from Local 754. Also worth pointing out, Council member Viera initially asked about the city creating a Public Safety Master Plan two years ago. We’re on our 3rd Chief of Police and second Fire Chief in that timespan.

6 – File No. CM23-79313

YouTube timestamp

Revenue & Finance Department to report on the feasibility to get the study for creating the Safety Impact Fee started.

(Motion initiated by Hurtak-Miranda on January 19, 2023


7 – File No. E2022-8 CH 27

YouTube timestamp

Planning and Legal Staff to report on the possibility of creating one or more entertainment districts that is not close to residential areas that could be designated as an entertainment area.

(Original motion initiated by Carlson-Maniscalco on January 13, 2022) (Motion to reschedule from May 26, 2022 initiated by Carlson-Viera on April 21, 2022)(Continued from October 27, 2022


The discussion waffled between staff making no recommendations about changing the current noise ordinance and a broader discussion about where the city could direct development of a new “entertainment district” to replace Ybor and Howard Ave in Hyde Park.

8 – File No. CM22-78004

YouTube timestamp

Staff to provide a report on recommended areas of the City, such as Channel District and parts of Dale Mabry, North of Kennedy Blvd., where zoning might be changed to set the height limit to the FAA limit.

(Original motion initiated by Carlson-Viera on October 13, 2022) (Continued from January 19, 2023


10 – File No. CM22-78127

Council to have a discussion on liens and title issues.

(Original motion initiated by Gudes-Maniscalco on October 20, 2022


Continued until April 27, 2023.

11 – File No. CM22-77481

YouTube timestamp

Staff to report on the use the funding left in the PCL contract (approved in February 2022) to analyze best and worst-case scenarios of continuing with the water status quo on Senate Bill 64, minimum flows on the Hillsborough River, and drought-proofing the reservoir; and representatives of the Sierra Club and the Friends of the River to present at the same time.

(Original motion initiated by Hurtak-Miranda on September 15, 2022)


Staff requested this item to be rescheduled for May 25, 2023. However there was an in-depth presentation from the Sierra Club and Friends of the River.

12- File No. CM22-74202

Council to discuss how the City can fit alternative stock housing or missing middle housing into the comprehensive plans, zoning, and development pattern.

(Original motion initiated by Hurtak-Maniscalco on July 14, 2022


Continued until September 28th, 2023

13 – File No. E2022-8 CH 27

Abbye Feeley, Director of Development and Growth Management to appear and present draft language for discussion on the publicly initiated text amendments regarding Affordable Housing as a “Specified Use”.

(Original motion initiated by Maniscalco-Hurtak on June 23, 2022) (Continued from October 20, 2022)


Continued until September 28, 2023

14 – File No. E2022-8 CH 27

Abbye Feeley, Director of Development and Growth Management to appear and present draft language for discussion on the publicly initiated text amendments regarding Bonus Density/Intensity Formula Restructuring.

(Original motion initiated by Maniscalco-Hurtak on June 23, 2022) (Continued from October 20, 2022)


Continued until September 28, 2023

15 – File No. CM22-77484

Staff to report on any recommended changes to improve the safety and security of parking lots in Ybor City, as required under Section 27-178, and to specifically review Section 27-178(c) concerning personnel requirements and explain its enforcement.

(Original motion initiated by Hurtak-Citro on September 15, 2022)(Continued from December 1, 2022)


Continued until September 28, 2023.

Meeting Notes

Public comment included an issue that came up regarding the relationship between independent towing companies and the Tampa Police Department. Much discussion also centered around the size of the current impound lot and the proposed new lot. TPD revoked the RFP for single sourcing the towing for TPD but expect this issue to come back before Council.


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