Full CRA Agenda

Full Evening Agenda


1. File No. CRA24-2242 Current Channel District Co-Chair, Andy Scaglione, to appear and provide a verbal report outlining activities and/or concerns of said CAC.

2. File No. CRA24-2241 CRA Director’s Monthly Report – CRA City Services Agreements FY23 & FY24 and the FY25 CRA Budget

3. File No. CRA24-2897 Ybor CAC to present for 5 minutes or less as to its possibility of funding major arts projects. Request that said agenda item be continued to September 12, 2024.

4. File No. CRA24-4948 CRA Staff to report on the feasibility of CRA being able to assist HART with bus stops.

5. File No. CRA24-4918 Downtown Partnership to appear in person and present a proposal on Revitalization of Franklin Street. Request that said agenda item be continued to October 10, 2024.

6. File No. CRA24-7209 West Tampa Community Redevelopment Area CAC Appointment

7. File No. CRA24-7211 East Tampa CRA Pre-development Grant Waiver Approval – 2409 East Lake Avenue


[note omitted items were mis-noticed or withdrawn. Item 1 is to proceed item 9]

3. File No. SU2-24-01 Public Hearing on application of K2 TPA Office LLC for property generally located at 610 E. Zack Street special use request for Air Conditioned Storage.

4. File No. REZ-23-98 Public Hearing on application of Glen Ottley request to rezone property generally located at 5607 N. 30th Street from RS-50 to RM-18.

5. File No. REZ-24-12 Public Hearing on application of Dontavious Pittman request to rezone property generally located at 6718 N. Rome Avenue from RS-50 to PD (Residential Single Family Attached).

7. File No. REZ-24-32 Public Hearing on application of Todd Pressman request to rezone property generally located at 2306 N. 43rd Street from RM-16 to CI.

8. File No. REZ-24-44 Public Hearing on application of Laurel Street Commerce Center Condo Assn request to rezone property generally located at 5402 Laurel Street from PD to PD (Business Professional Office, Warehouse and Hotel).

9. File No. REZ-24-50 (To be heard with agenda item 1, File No. DA24-6490) Public Hearing on application of Dan Coakley request to rezone property generally located at 3601, 3814 N. Central Ave. & 501 E. Lake Ave. from RM-24, CI, RM-16, CG to PD-A (Mixed Use Residential & Commercial Uses).

1. File No. DA24-6490 (To be heard after agenda item 9, File No. REZ-24-50) Public Hearing relating to the development agreement between the City of Tampa and Robles Park, LLC, Open Space Acquisitions, LLC and Robles Park Village Development Group, LLC (Second public hearing to be held on August 22, 2024 at 10:30 a.m.)

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One response to “Agendas 7-25-24”

  1. […] catch up on last week there’s a full Weekly Wrap Up for 7-18-24. Looking ahead at this week’s agendas, plural, Council meets as the Community Redevelopment Agency this week for the morning session and […]

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