Tampa Community Revitalization Agency February 09, 2023


Original document including links to supporting documents. Note, Agenda item number links to the section of the meeting for that item on Youtube.


Current Channelside CAC Chair, Kimberlee Curtis to appear and provide a verbal report outlining activities and/or concerns of said CAC.

(Original Motion, requesting said monthly report, initiated by Saul-Sena/Miranda on December 11, 2008)

Continued until 3-9-23


CRA Director’s Monthly Report

(Original motion initiated by Gudes-Miranda on January 12, 2023)

Continued until 3-9-23


Staff to appear and provide a report on utilizing CRA funding to make parks more accessible for those with disabilities.

(Original motion initiated by Viera-Maniscalco on August 18, 2022)


Item 3 regarding ADA compliance and accessibility is one of those items that generally goes unnoticed but is a big step for this city. Parks & Rec director Sherisha Hills makes an important point that while our city parks are ADA compliant by state standards, that doesn’t make them accessible. Prior to this plan, the city was looking at a 13 year timeline to get all of our parks accessible. This CRA funding will reduce that to 6 years and includes inclusive playground equipment.


Nicole Travis, Administrator for Development and Economic Opportunity and Interim CRA Director, to report on recommendations on structuring and budgeting staff; further, that Staff to present a recommended structure, that includes the staffing that is needed when housing dollars are added, and address budgeting and staffing issues to implement the type of programs that are being requested by the CRA. In addition, look at the governance of the CACs, and how that structure works and how the board can gain efficiencies.

(Original motion initiated by Carlson-Miranda on September 8, 2022)(Continued with a revised motion from December 8, 2022)


Item 4 is an even more under the radar discussion about the mechanics of how the city’s CRA department is organized and operates. Acting Director Nicole Travis outlines the inefficiencies of running each district in a silo and has developed a plan to break out of the silos, bring all of the staff under one roof and play to the strengths of our current staff by aligning them with roles best suited for their experience, versus the current system where a couple of staff members must wear multiple hats for the district they work within. A retreat with the incoming CRA board was scheduled for June 8th so there’s going to be a bit of suspense as to whether the incoming board furthers or changes this discussion.


CRA Staff to appear and provide an update on possible adjustments to the recruitment and activity possibilities to the East Tampa Summer Youth Employment Program development and compare to other CRA’s programs.

(Original motion initiated by Hurtak-Citro on May 12, 2022)(Motion for update initiated by Gudes-Miranda on September 8, 2022) (Continued from December 8, 2022)


Memorandum from Alis Drumgo, Deputy Administrator of Development and Economic Opportunity, requesting that said agenda item be continued to March 9, 2023. (To be R/F)


CRA staff to come back with a proposed planned outline, budget and draft agreement between CRA and the Tampa Theatre.

(Update motion initiated by Carlson-Miranda on January 12, 2023)


Continued to March 9, 2023.


Be Parks, CRA Communications and Project Coordinator, to speak on Branding and Marketing.

(Original motion initiated by Miranda-Gudes on January 12, 2023)


The final item is centered around branding for the CRA and the board feedback is a perfect example of what I learned in web development as “bike shedding”, best described as Parkinson’s law of triviality. The real issue is that each district in the CRA has run like its own entity with proposals from CACs for spending up to $100,000 for branding and marketing for just that area. Normalizing the branding seems fitting in conjunction with the discussion from item 4 on restructuring the CRA in the manner proposed.


Community Redevelopment Agency Staff, to provide a monthly report of CRA staff activities.

(Original motion, requesting said monthly report, initiated by Saul-Sena/Mulhern on December 11, 2008.) (Amended motion to change reports to bi-monthly initiated by Maniscalco-Carlson on September 08, 2022.)


Continued until 4-13-23


Historic East Ybor and Gary Neighborhood Association (HEYGNA) Ybor City CAC Appointment.


West Tampa CRA Community Advisory Committee Appointment.


Agreement for Design-Build Services with Phinazee Construction Consulting Services, Inc. (the Design-Build firm) for the redevelopment of Salcines Park which is located at the northeast corner of West Main Street and North Howard Avenue.


Removed from agenda and added to Council 3-16-23 meeting agenda.


Resolution of the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Tampa, Florida, approving a Community Redevelopment Agency Grant Funding Agreement for construction/rehabilitation by and between said Community Redevelopment Agency (“CRA”) and Health Matters Pharmacy West, LLC (“Grant Recipient”); providing for a grant not to exceed $350,000 from the CRA to the grant recipient as reimbursement for hard construction costs arising from the construction/rehabilitation of a health care and wellness facility including pharmacy services on property located at 5110 North 40th Street within the East Tampa Community Redevelopment Area; authorizing execution of said Community Redevelopment Grant Funding Agreement by the Chair of the CRA and attestation by the CRA Secretary; providing an effective date.


Resolution of the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Tampa, Florida, approving a Community Redevelopment Agency Grant Funding Agreement for construction by and between said Community Redevelopment Agency (“CRA”) and The Skills Center, Inc., The Skills Center Group, Inc., and the Skills Center Holdings, LLC (collectively, the “Grant Recipients”); providing for a grant not to exceed $500,000 from the CRA to the Grant Recipients as reimbursement for hard construction costs arising from the construction of a community center for purposes of skills, job and vocational training, community services and related programs and services located at 5107 North 22nd Street and 2502 East Wilder Avenue within the East Tampa Community Redevelopment Area; authorizing execution of said Community Redevelopment Grant Funding Agreement by the Chair of the CRA and attestation by the CRA Secretary; providing an effective date.


Resolution approving a Façade Grant not to exceed $26,048.00 and execution of a Grant Agreement including a Notice of Facade Grant Agreement and Restrictive Covenants between the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Tampa, Florida, and Ybor Bungalow Adventure, LLC, to fund façade improvements on property located at 2208 East 2nd Avenue, Tampa, Florida; approving the subordination of the restrictive covenants created thereby under specified circumstances; providing an effective date.


Items 9, 10, 12, 13 and 14 require action by the CRA Board and were heard first.

Public comments focused primarily on the issue with Memorial Cemetery and its sale.

Full transcript.

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