This Week 6-20-24

I’ve been in a bit of a funk and couldn’t bring myself to finish the wrap-ups from the last few weeks. I’ve come to the realization that I do not have either the time or resources to follow some of the budget items I have been questioning.

One such item is this week. Items 78-80 Tampa Multimodal Network and Safety Improvements Project. This seems to include the West River Project, or is the West River Project. The contract was originally approved in 2022. The USDOT was to contribute $20 million and the city would contribute $6 million. Thursday Council is being asked to approve an amendment to the Contract to bring its total to $56 million. The request includes moving around $26 million from “Non Ad Bonds CIP Fund Series 2024”. If you can explain this please get in touch.

Beyond this item, looking at the rest of the agenda a couple items are worth noting.

Jackson House

A long awaited update on the status of the Jackson House. If you are not up-to-date on the situation, the problem has long been that the home was built to the lot line. Any restoration or replacement work would require use of the adjacent property which is surface parking lot. The property owners haven’t been accommodating and only recently after the City stepped in was a resolution negotiated. The city would acquire some land from the State and then transfer that to the owners of the land adjacent to the Jackson House. I’m not even sure if they would then transfer the adjacent land to the Jackson House Foundation or simply allow access for free land. Based on the memo provided, it sounds like a new agreement has been reached where the Tampa Bay History Center would oversee the restoration of the building as an agent for the various entities who have committed funds or are entrusted with the building’s legacy. It also sounds like a lot of hoops still need to be jumped through in order to facilitate the land swap. Meanwhile the building is barely hanging on.

Citizen Budget Advisory Committee

I’m looking forward to this presentation. I believe this is an important committee that has been underutilized but one that I hope with the addition of the budget analyst grows. Something I recently came across was the concept of participatory budgeting and think the CBA would be a good place to do a pilot.

Free Car for TPD

Item 6. I have highlighted a few car purchases orders for TPD. This is the opposite. Kuhn VW wants to give TPD a 2024 Atlas Peak Edition SE Tech 4Mo 8-Auto, with a price tag of $48, 934. No explanation, just giving TPD a brand new VW. Wonder who will get to drive it?

Drones for TPD

Item 7. $370,000 for drones for TPD. TPD had already purchased some drones, but they used overseas technology that was banned in Florida. This is a request to buy new drones from Axon, the same provider of body worn cameras.

Davis Islands Yacht Club

Item 35 is an amendment to the Davis Island Yacht Club lease. Which I didn’t realize the city owned. The land was originally leased out in 1955 to establish the club and has been amended 3 times since. This will be the 4th and extend the lease out another 20 years but it sounds like it’s getting a lot of work done.

Robles Park

A hearing is being set for July 25 to discuss development agreement for properties in and around Robles Park.

Tampa Heights Alley Vacation

Item 69 is a application to vacate an alley in Tampa Heights. Staff objects due to Tampa Heights overlay district standards recently adopted.

Public Hearing for Recommended Order

Item 72 relates to a petition to review a Variance Review Board (VRB) decision to deny an application for a grand tree removal. The formal review recommends upholding the VRB decision. I do not see Council disagreeing with saving the tree. I’d also suggest reading the recommended order if you are looking for boilerplate language to argue before Council with. Number 44 really stood out “…there is no vested right under Florida law to develop property at the maximum gross density in the Property’s zoning district or land use classification”.

Petition for Review – Design Exception East Tampa Overlay

Over the past year, there have been more and more folks complaining to Council about the City enforcing building codes. Council has passed motions to both look at how to better enforce our codes and how to take it easy on folks. Some people have bought property that was flipped without proper permits being pulled. Such is the case of item 73. Before I go further, item 86 on the agenda is “Legal staff to report on ways to go after the seller instead of buyers, that are cited by Code Enforcement for issues created by the seller.” I recommend reading the memo

Under Florida law, a seller of a home is already obligated to disclose to the buyer when the seller “knows of facts materially affecting the value of the property which are not readily observable and are not known to the buyer,” Johnson v. Davis, 480 So.2d 625 (Fla. 1985). In addition, included among the list of seller disclosers in the “FAR-BAR” standard form real estate contract, is a statement that the seller knows of no unpermitted work on the property or work done pursuant to permits that have not been properly closed. Buyers are also obligated to do their own due diligence before closing on a property.

Item 73 the owner is claiming they bought the house with the carport already closed in. Photo evidence from Google street view shows it was closed in sometime between May of 2022 and November of 2023.

Charter Amendment – Removing residency requirements except for elected officials

Item 75. To be clear, if Council votes to approve this Thursday, it would be on the ballot November 5th, 2024. Council approval doesn’t change the charter. That requires a majority of voter approval. Currently the charter requires that department heads as well as elected officials reside in and be voters of Tampa. When the charter went through review and was revised a few years back it was amended to provide for up to 3 annual waivers to the rule. Recently a discussion was brought forward to look at how to reduce the number of people that applies to. Others think it’s a bad idea and we should amend the Charter removing the requirement for staff. Elected officials and board members would still be required to be residents. I do support limiting the residency requirement to only the senior most staff that directly report to the Mayor but will not support the whole sale change in language.

There are a variety of staff reports that will be presented in person as well as numerous items being continued until July 18. Council’s first meeting back after break and what’s already been loaded up and is still anticipated to be the Mayor’s presentation of the budget.

Hey! Thanks for reading. 👋

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One response to “This Week 6-20-24”

  1. […] did previews for the June 6th and June 20th meetings but no recaps. Instead one big end of the month wrap […]

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