This Week at Tampa City Council 2-15-24

Last week I did a single post and sent that as the newsletter which I have no idea if it was a good idea or not. Mainly I meant for the newsletter to just be a way of getting a reminder the preview and look ahead were up. But I also know that not everyone is weird like me and wants to read the whole agenda or a long winded preview every week. For me it’s tough to say beyond headline grabbing issues what is and isn’t more important. I try to keep the previews short and succinct adding only as much context as I think necessary and make it scannable.

Truthfully I’d like to make these obsolete. I have made the suggestion (that I believe will be considered) to look at the plain language used in Charlotte for their agenda. That would be my goal. For the Admin and Council to write the agenda in a manner that is meant for the public to understand exactly what action is being taken for an item, why the action is necessary and who specifically on staff is responsible for the item. With any necessary support documents attached and clearly identified. Until that happens, I will continue to try and fill in the gap.

The CRA Board meeting was light, but I do cover it in the wrap up. I also took a look at all of the land use cases and tried to condense an epic 11+ hour meeting into fewer words. As with most of this stuff, I’m still learning how land use changes work. Especially Planned Developments which took center stage last Thursday.

Read Full Wrap Up

Looking ahead, beyond the continuing conversation about the budget for new fire stations, several items that were continued from last meeting are back on the agenda including proposed changes to the code related to parking in Ybor as well as important updates and needed feedback from Council on proposed changes to the Comprehensive Plan.

Additionally, there will be an update on the Jackson House, notably before public comment. Also prior to public comment will be an update to an ongoing discussion regarding Council member salary. I have supported the recommendations from the Admin proposed in the FY23 budget since they were introduced. Council approved the budget with the salary increases however failed to pass the required ordinance implementing the increase. It has been debated several times so it will be interesting to see if this item stays on the agenda and if so what the outcome will be.

Read Full Look Ahead

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