This version of the agenda is meant to be an easier way to skim the items before diving into the full draft and back up items. It also is meant as an archive for search. Often I remember something being on the agenda but not sure when. While the ongoing work with Onbase continues, and there is some search functionality here I can cross reference with agenda previews, then look at the original agenda.
1. Presentation of commendation to Harry Hedges, who recently retired from the AHAC Board.
2. Tampa Jewish Community Centers and Federation (JCC) to provide a presentation on Holocaust Remembrance Day, which is on Monday, January 27, 2025.
3. Ocea Wynn, Administrator Neighborhood & Community Affairs, and the interns for the Disability Internship Program be requested to appear before Council to share their experiences of the program.
4. Resolution approving a license agreement between the City of Tampa and the Housing Authority of the City of Tampa which permits Tampa Police Department to enter certain real properties for training purposes; authorizing execution thereof by the Mayor of the City of Tampa; providing an effective date.
5. Resolution approving the purchase under Sourcewell Contract No. 091521-NAF: Automobiles, SUVs, Vans and Light Trucks with Related Equipment and Accessories of four (4) Chevrolet Tahoes with Police Packages from Alan Jay Automotive Management, Inc. dba Alan Jay Fleet Sales at a unit price of $52,197 for a cumulative amount of $208,788 for use by the Tactical Response Team (“TRT”) within the Tampa Police Department.
6. Resolution approving Quote #Q-534910 for ESRI Full Advantage Program Law Enforcement Solution for use by the Tampa Police Department, and Quote #Q-522499 for ESRI Full Advantage Program Fire Service Solution for use by the Tampa Fire Rescue Department, with a unit price not to exceed $113,900, for a cumulative total amount not to exceed $227,800, over a 12-month term between the City of Tampa and Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (“ESRI”) to be managed by the Technology & Innovation Department; providing an effective date.
7. Resolution approving the bid of Lenco Industries, Inc. for the purchase of one (1) Armored Vehicle for use by the Clearwater Police Department in the estimated amount of $370,419, through the 2022 Urban Area Security Initiative (“UASI”) Grant administered by the Tampa Police Department for the entire Tampa Bay Area.
8. Resolution approving reimbursement agreements between the City of Tampa and thirty-three applicants for the Tampa Police Department Police Recruit Program; authorizing execution thereof by the Mayor of the City of Tampa and attestation by the City Clerk; providing an effective date.
9. (Part 1 of 2)(See Item 10) Resolution of the City of Tampa, Florida accepting a monetary donation from Resilient Cities Catalyst, Inc. in the amount of Eight Thousand One Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($8,150) for purchase of a chilled bottle filler with attached pet fountain to be placed on 22nd Street at the discretion of the Parks & Recreation Department Director.
10. (Part 2 of 2)(See Item 9) Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2025; approving the transfer, reallocation and/or appropriation of $8,150 within the Private Donations Capital Projects Fund for use by the Small Neighborhood Parks project; providing an effective date.
11. Resolution approving the bid of Emerald Facility Management, LLC for the furnishing of Window Cleaning Services for the Tampa Convention Center (Sheltered Market Solicitation) in the estimated amount of $125,760 for use by the Tampa Convention Center.
12. Resolution approving a Parks & Recreation Agency Program Memorandum of agreement between the City of Tampa, Florida and the Joshua Way of Hope, Inc., a Florida not for profit corporation to provide City of Tampa Parks & Recreation Department after school and summer program youth participants with prevention-focused training programs at City of Tampa locations, to reduce youth pregnancy, high school dropout rates, juvenile delinquency, substance abuse, child abuse, and childhood obesity at no cost to the city.
13. Resolution approving a Parks & Recreation Agency Program Memorandum of agreement between the City of Tampa, Florida and the Redefiners World Languages, Inc., a Florida not for profit corporation to provide City of Tampa Parks & Recreation Department after school and summer program youth participants with language exposure services to expose participants to new cultures, introduce them to communication skills in a foreign language, and prepare participants to be global citizens at no cost to the city.
14. Resolution approving a Social Action & Arts Funding Agreement between the City of Tampa, Florida and Ybor City Museum Society, Inc., a Florida not for profit corporation to promote preserving Ybor City history, local education, history, arts, and business, offering complimentary mobile museum programs, and operating the Tampa baseball museum in the amount of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($150,000).
15. Resolution approving a Social Action & Arts Funding Agreement between the City of Tampa, Florida, and the Tampa Bay Black Heritage Festival, Inc., a Florida not for profit corporation, to support the 10-day African American Experience Festival in the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000).
16. Resolution approving a Social Action & Arts Funding Agreement between the City of Tampa, Florida and Museum of Science and Industry, Inc., a Florida not for profit corporation to promote camps, traveling exhibits, robotics outreach programs, science after dark events for youth, girls steam café, and other seasonal events for youth and adults in the community in the amount of fifty-two thousand dollars ($52,000).
17. Resolution approving a Social Action & Arts Funding Agreement between the City of Tampa, Florida and Tampa Bay History Center, Inc., a Florida not for profit corporation to promote a greater understanding of area history through educational and public outreach programs and to encourage an interest in history through cooperation with other historical and cultural organizations in the amount of sixty-four thousand eight hundred dollars ($64,800).
18. CH 28 Special Event Permit: DI Spring Fest- E. Davis Blvd from Barbados Ave. to Biscayne Ave- February 8, 2025
19. CH 28 Special Event Permit: Knight Parade- Nuccio Pkwy, 7th Ave between Nebraska Ave & 26th Ave February 8, 2025
20. CH 28 Special Event Permit: Tutus and Tennis Shoes: Elevating ALL Children 5K and Health Fair- Harrison St from Orange Ave to Central Ave. Central Ave from Harrison St to Ray Charles Blvd Scott St from Orange Ave to Ray Charles Blvd- February 15, 2025
21. CH 28 Special Event Permit: Fiesta Day- 7th Ave between 15th St & 20th St- February 22, 2025
22. CH 28 Special Event Permit: Gasparilla Distance Classic Runs- Bayshore Blvd, Brorein St, Platt St Bridge, Gandy Blvd, Davis Islands- (Sunday only)- February 22 & 23, 2025
23. Resolution approving the Preventative Maintenance Service Agreement between the City of Tampa and OPAL Fuels Station Services LLC for the furnishing of Preventive Maintenance for Compressed Natural Gas Facility in the estimated amount of $995,000, over a three-year term, for use by the Department of Solid Waste and Environmental Program Management.
24. Resolution approving the Master Dispensing Agreement between the City of Tampa and Opal Fuels Station Services LLC for the provision of Renewable Natural Gas Dispensing Program for use by the Department of Solid Waste and Environmental Program Management.
25. Resolution approving a purchase under the Florida Sheriffs Association Contract No. FSA23-VEH21.1: Heavy Trucks and Buses of one (1) Peterbilt 520 with Galbreath Roll Off Short Rail Body Truck, from Rush Truck Centers of Florida, Inc. dba Rush Truck Center, Tampa in the estimated amount of $298,148.50 for use by the Department of Solid Waste and Environmental Program Management.
26. Resolution approving a purchase under the Florida Sheriffs Association Contract No. FSA23-EQU21.0: Equipment of One (1) John Deere 744X Hybrid Wheel Loader from Dobbs Equipment, LLC in the amount of $677,901 for use by the Department of Solid Waste and Environmental Program Management.
27. Resolution approving form of Agreement between the City of Tampa and various consultants in connection with professional services to be provided on a work order basis.
28. Resolution approving the renewal of an Agreement between the City of Tampa and Blue Monkey Disposing & Recycling Inc., without a price escalation, for the provision of Alternative Disposal Facility for the Disposal of Class III Waste in the estimated amount of $584,250 for use by the Department of Solid Waste & Environmental Program Management, providing an effective date.
29. Resolution approving the bid of Carbonxt, Inc. for the furnishing of WTE Plant Carbon in the estimated amount of $348,000 over a 36-month term for use by the Department of Solid Waste and Environmental Program Management, Waste to Energy (WTE) Facility.
30. Resolution of the City of Tampa, Florida, approving the renewal of awards between the City of Tampa and John Mader Enterprises, Inc., as primary awardee, with a 2.5% Consumer Price Index (CPI) price increase, in the estimated amount of $350,000, and between the City of Tampa and TAW Orlando Service Center, Inc., as secondary awardee, without a price increase, in the estimated amount of $250,000, for the furnishing of Electric Motor and Pump Repairs at the Wastewater Department Facilities in the total estimated amount of $600,000 for use by the Wastewater Department.
31. Resolution approving an Assignment, Assumption, and Amendment Agreement between the City of Tampa and Miller Pipeline, LLC to Insituform Technologies, LLC; authorizing execution by the Mayor; providing an effective date.
32. Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tampa, Florida, approving a Stipulation of Parties between City of Tampa, CSX Transportation, Inc., and Florida Department of Transportation for the closure of East Third Avenue, crossing #643886y and the opening of East Fourth Avenue public railroad-highway grade crossing; authorizing execution by the Mayor and attestation by the City Clerk; providing an effective date.
33. Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2025; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $213,000 within the State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Grant Fund for SHIP Grant Program activities; providing an effective date.
34. Resolution approving a Third Amendment to Emergency Solutions Grant Rapid Unsheltered Housing Agreement between the City of Tampa and Dawning Family Services, Inc., a Florida Nonprofit Corporation, providing for additional funding for fiscal year 2025 in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000.00 in Non-Grant Housing Program funds, for the provision of services in support of homeless persons and families; for total funding for the two-year-period not to exceed $1,300,000.00; and to extend the term of the agreement; approving and authorizing execution by the Mayor and attention by the City Clerk; providing an effective date.
35. Resolution approving the execution by the Mayor and attestation by the City Clerk of a Right-of-Way Encroachment Agreement allowing existing encroachments in the form of a covered porch with steps and handrail that are located at 2320 E. 12th Avenue in Tampa, Florida to encroach over a portion of the City of Tampa’s 12th Avenue right-of-way in the area and manner identified herein; providing an effective date.
36. Resolution approving extension No. 2 to the Grant Agreement between the State of Florida, Department of State and the City of Tampa (Grant Number 22.H.S.900.009) for the project “Jackson House Restoration”; authorizing execution thereof by the Mayor of the City of Tampa and attestation by the City Clerk; providing an effective date.
37. Resolution approving a Second Amendment to CDBG Funds Agreement between the City of Tampa and Clearwater Neighborhood Housing Services Incorporated D/B/A Tampa Bay Neighborhood Housing Services in an amount not to exceed $345,000.00 over a two-year period; providing funding up to an additional $145,000 for Fiscal Year 2025/Program Year 2024 from Housing Program Funds to provide homeowner insurance services; amending performance measures to provide homeowner insurance services; authorizing execution by the Mayor and attestation by the City Clerk; providing for an effective date.
38. Resolution approving a Second Amendment to CDBG Funds Agreement between the City of Tampa and Real Estate, Education and Community Housing, Inc. In an amount not to exceed $370,000.00 over a three-year period; providing funding up to an additional $145,000 for Fiscal Year 2025/Program Year 2024 from Housing Program Funds to provide homeowner insurance services; amending performance measures to provide homeowner insurance services; authorizing execution by the Mayor and attestation by the City Clerk; providing for an effective date.
39. Resolution approving a First Amendment to CDBG Funds Agreement between the City of Tampa and Housing and Education Alliance, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $345,000.00 over a two-year period; providing funding up to an additional $145,000 for Fiscal Year 2025/Program Year 2024 from Housing Program Funds to provide homeowner insurance services; amending performance measures to provide homeowner insurance services; authorizing execution by the Mayor and attestation by the City Clerk; providing for an effective date.
40. Resolution approving a Third Amendment to CDBG Funds Agreement between the City of Tampa and Solita’s House, Inc. In an amount not to exceed $470,000.00 over a three-year period; providing funding up to an additional $145,000 for Fiscal Year 2025/Program Year 2024 from Housing Program Funds to provide homeowner insurance services; amending performance measures to provide homeowner insurance services; authorizing execution by the Mayor and attestation by the City Clerk; providing for an effective date.
41. Resolution approving the acceptance of a Grant of Sidewalk Easement from 8207 Forest City, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, to the City of Tampa for the purpose of installing, constructing, maintaining, operating, repairing and/or replacing sidewalk improvements in the vicinity of 2425 E. Hanna Avenue, Tampa, Florida; Providing an effective date. Memorandum from Michelle Van Loan, Real Estate Director, transmitting additional information on said agenda item.
42. Resolution approving a Ground Lease Agreement between the City of Tampa and Ashley East Tampa LLC for the property located at 3004 E. Columbus Drive, 3004 E. 15th Avenue, and 3010 E. 15th Avenue, Tampa, Florida; Providing for a 99-year lease term for the purpose of developing and operating a 117-unit affordable housing development; Providing for an option to convey by the City of Tampa upon completion of the improvements.
43. Resolution approving a Ground Lease Agreement between the City of Tampa and Opportunity Tampa Bay, Inc. for the property located at 2600 N. 31st Street, Tampa, Florida; Providing for a 99-year lease term for the purpose of developing and operating a 117-unit affordable housing development; Providing for conveyance of the property by the City of Tampa upon completion of the improvements.
44. Resolution making certain changes in the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2025; approving the transfer, reallocation, and/or appropriation of $602,862 for use by the Mobility Department within the Stormwater Service Assessment Fund for two leased mechanical sweepers; providing an effective date.
45. Resolution approving an Agreement under the Sourcewell Contract No. 110923-DBM for Physical Storage System, Equipment and Related Software Services between the City of Tampa and Real Time Network, Inc., an authorized distributer of Debourgh Manufacturer Co. dba Debourgh All-American Lockers, in the estimated amount of $36,948; for use by the Logistics and Asset Management Department/Fleet Maintenance Division.
46. Resolution approving a purchase under the Florida Sheriffs Association Contract No. FSA23-VEH21.1: Heavy Trucks & Buses of one (1) Freightliner M2 with Bergkamp Asphalt Patcher Body Vehicle from Tampa Truck Center LLC in the amount of $290,652.92 for use by the Mobility Department.
47. Resolution approving the bid of Rob Michael, Inc. for the provision of Streetlight Pole Replacement and Maintenance Services in the estimated amount of $624,000 for use by the Mobility Department.
48. File No. SU1-24-98-C Petition for Review filed by Peter Trela, owner, requesting a review hearing regarding a decision of the Zoning Administrator/Historic Preservation Manager, SU1-24-0000098, pertaining to the property located at 4465 W. Gandy Blvd. (Review hearing to be scheduled on March 27, 2025 at 1:30 p.m.)
49. File No. VAC-23-30 (Henderson, Miranda, & Maniscalco no) – An ordinance of the City of Tampa, Florida, vacating, closing, discontinuing and abandoning that alleyway/right-of-way located North of Amelia Avenue, South of Columbus Drive, East of Glenwood Drive, and West of North Boulevard, within the Plat of Ridgewood Park Subdivision.
50. **File No. REZ-25-12** (Carlson & Maniscalco no) – An ordinance rezoning property in the general vicinity of 702 West Columbus Drive, 2502 and 2504 North Boulevard and folio number 183355-0005, in the City of Tampa, Florida, and more particularly described in section 1, from zoning district classification(s) RS-60 (residential, single-family), CG (commercial general) and PD (planned development) to PD (planned development, storefront residential, all commercial neighborhood uses).
51. **File No. REZ-24-52** (Clendenin & Henderson no) An ordinance rezoning property in the general vicinity of 205, 207 and 209 East Columbus Drive, 2301, 2303, 2307 and 2315 North Florida Avenue, 204 and 206 East Amelia Avenue and folio number 191372-0000, in the City Of Tampa, Florida, and more particularly described in section 1, from zoning district classification(s) RM-24 (residential, multi-family) and CI (commercial intensive) to PD (planned development, storefront residential (commercial), all commercial general uses, commercial parking).
52. **File No. VAC-24-16** Public hearing on application by Mulberry Townhomes On The River LLC requesting to vacate a portion of right of way lying North of the Hillsborough River, South of East Bird Street, East of North 19th Street, and West of Rowlett Park Drive. –
53. **File No. SU1-24-76-C** Review Hearing on Petition for Review filed by Danielle Mazza, owner, requesting a review hearing regarding a decision of the Zoning Administrator, SU1-24-0000076, pertaining to the property located at 6801 North Orleans Avenue. (Review hearing to be scheduled on March 27, 2025 at 1:30 p.m.)
54. (HPC 24-27) – An Ordinance of the City of Tampa, Florida, designating the Doby House located at 1405 West Azeele Street, Tampa, Florida, as more particularly described in Section 3 hereof, as a Local Historic Landmark.
55. Administration Update
56. (Placed under Staff Reports and Unfinished Business pursuant to a motion made by Council.) Resolution approving the bids of Mississippi Lime Company dba MLC and Lhoist North America of Alabama, LLC for the furnishing of Quicklime for Water and Waste to Energy Facilities in the estimated amount of $6,810,560 over a 24-month term for use by the Water Department/Production Division and the Department of Solid Waste and Environmental Program Management/Waste to Energy Facility. Memorandum from Jean W. Duncan, Administrator of Infrastructure and Mobility, transmitting additional information for said agenda item.
57. (Placed under Staff Reports and Unfinished Business pursuant to a motion made by Council.) Resolution approving a Design-Build Services Agreement with a Guaranteed Maximum Price for Contract 20-C-00032-GMP05 Water Main Improvement Design-Build between the City of Tampa and Westra Construction Corp., in the amount of $24,262,137.19.
58. File No. MAM25-11451(Placed under Staff Reports and Unfinished Business pursuant to a motion made by Council.) Resolution approving the renewal of an Agreement between the City of Tampa and Carter Electric, Inc., with a 2.59% Consumer Price Index (CPI) price escalation, for the furnishing of Citywide Electrical Services (Bid Discount) in the estimated amount of $3,500,000 for use by the Logistics and Asset Management Department/Facility Management Division; providing an effective date. Memorandum from Adriana Colina, Director of Department of Logistics and Asset Management, transmitting additional information for said agenda item.
59. (Placed under Staff Reports and Unfinished Business pursuant to a motion made by Council.) Resolution approving the bid of Consolidated Resource Recovery, Inc. for the furnishing of Yard Waste Recycling (Re-Bid) in the estimated amount of $6,410,000 over a five-year term for use by the Department of Solid Waste and Environmental Program Management, the Parks and Recreation Department and the Department of Neighborhood & Community Affairs/Neighborhood Enhancement Division. Memorandum from Larry Washington, Director of Solid Waste & Environmental Program Management, transmitting additional information for said agenda item.
60. Staff to review the Community Benefits Agreement with the Related Group; that it be reviewed as to what else can be done for the community with funds, including facility and park upgrades for where the displaced Yellow Jackets currently reside; further; that staff report on the ideas to be considered as changes to the Community Benefits Agreement; that staff also provide an update on the status of releasing the reverter clause on the property the county is building the African American Arts and Cultural Center.
61. Mobility Staff to appear and present documentation, including traffic warrants, supporting the decision to put a stop light at Franklin and Water Street, and the proposed traffic light at Dick Greco Plaza; additionally, the Legal Department be requested to appear with a list of actions Tampa City Council can take to prevent the installation of these stop lights. Memorandum from Brandon Campbell, Transportation Services Director/Mobility Department, notifying City Council that staff will present in-person; in addition, transmitting a Franklin Street/Harbour Island Boulevard Corridor Traffic Evaluation and PowerPoint presentation for said agenda item.
62. Staff to appear for an in-person staff report to present on areas of the West Riverwalk, where the easements are still under negotiation and a map showing areas that will be closed and the hours that they will be closed. Memorandum from Jean Duncan, Administrator of Infrastructure and Mobility, notifying City Council that staff will provide an in-person report.
63. Staff to report on as to why trees were cut, who ordered it, why they ordered it and how much tree cutting was done. Memorandum from Tony Mulkey, Director of Tampa Parks & Recreation, transmitting a written report for said agenda item.
64. Staff to report on naming the Multisports Field after the late Roland Paz, Sr. (Motion reschedule from January 25, 2024 to said date initiated by Viera-Hurtak on January 11, 2024) Memorandum from Michelle Van Loan, Real Estate Director, requesting that said agenda item be continued to August 21, 2025.
65. 23-82973 Staff to provide a presentation on an honorary street renaming for Moses White. Memorandum from Michelle Van Loan, Real Estate Director, requesting that said agenda item be continued tentatively to February 5, 2026.
66. Administration to provide an update on the naming of the East Tampa Regional Complex for Mr. Artis Gambrell. Memorandum from Michelle Van Loan, Real Estate Director, requesting that said agenda item be continued tentatively to February 5, 2026.
67. City Council Budget Analyst and Purchasing Department to provide a written report with a detail spreadsheet on RFPs sitting in the purchasing queue by department. Memorandum from DeAnna Faggart, Purchasing Director, transmitting a written report for said agenda item.
68. Staff to provide a written report on the possibility of purchasing the property at 1350 Howard Avenue, Tampa, FL 33606 for the purpose of turning into a small park. Memorandum from Tony Mulkey, Director of Tampa Parks & Recreation, transmitting a written report for said agenda item.
69. Abbye Feeley, Administrator for Development and Economic Opportunity, to appear and report on the Land Development Code Reform Process. (Next monthly report to be provided on February 20, 2025) Memorandum from Abbye Feeley,Administrator for Development and Economic Opportunity, transmitting a written report for said agenda item.
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